Teacher training in positive psychology as part of the internationalization of the curriculum.internationalization of the curriculum. An ethnographic study

Título del documento: Teacher training in positive psychology as part of the internationalization of the curriculum.internationalization of the curriculum. An ethnographic study
Revista: Face: revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000576692
ISSN: 2500-9338
Autores: 1

Instituciones: 1Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Tabasco. México
Volumen: 23
Número: 1
Paginación: 18-36
País: Colombia
Idioma: Portugués, inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés "The objective of this paper is to describe the training process oriented towards positive psychology as part of theinternationalization of the curriculum directed to teachers of a Mexican public institution of higher education. The methodis ethnographic because in educational research it allows a description or reconstruction of a scenario or cultural group.The techniques used were documentary review, literature review and participant observation with a moderate gradientof observation. Among the findings, the virtues developed by the participants are highlighted: humanity, temperance,transcendence and justice. Certain considerations are suggested to avoid resistance to change as well as a follow-upto evaluate the duration of the training effect."
Resumen en español The objective of this paper is to describe the training process oriented towards positive psychology as part of the internationalization of the curriculum directed to teachers of a Mexican public institution of higher education. The method is ethnographic because in educational research it allows a description or reconstruction of a scenario or cultural group. The techniques used were documentary review, literature review and participant observation with a moderate gradient of observation. Among the findings, the virtues developed by the participants are highlighted: humanity, temperance, transcendence and justice. Certain considerations are suggested to avoid resistance to change as well as a follow-up to evaluate the duration of the training effect.
Resumen en español "O objectivo deste artigo é descrever o processo de formação orientado para a psicologia positiva como parte dainternacionalização do currículo dirigido aos professores de uma instituição pública mexicana de ensino superior. Ométodo é etnográfico porque na investigação educacional permite a descrição ou reconstrução de um cenário ou grupocultural. As técnicas utilizadas foram a análise documental, a revisão da literatura e a observação participante com umgradiente moderado de observação. Entre os resultados, destacam-se as virtudes desenvolvidas pelos participantes:humanidade, temperança, transcendência e justiça. Sugerem-se algumas considerações para evitar a resistência àmudança, bem como um acompanhamento para avaliar a duração do efeito da formação."
Disciplinas: Economía,
Palabras clave: Internacionalización del currículo,,
formación del profesorado,
psicología positiva,
Condiciones económicas,
Psicología social
Keyword: Internationalization of the curriculum,
teacher training,
positive psychology,
Economic conditions,
Social psychology
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