Revista: | Acta scientiarum. Education |
Base de datos: | |
Número de sistema: | 000596554 |
ISSN: | 2178-5198 |
Autores: | Devolli, Ardita1 Kryeziu, Veli2 Bujupi, Dafina |
Instituciones: | 1University of Prishtina, Prishtina. República de Kosovo 2University of Prishtina, Faculty of Education, Prishtina. República de Kosovo |
Año: | 2023 |
Volumen: | 45 |
Número: | s/n |
Paginación: | 63804-63804 |
País: | Brasil |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Resumen en inglés | This study was conducted to analyze Kosovo's most common parenting styles based on secondary school students' perceptions. There are four styles of parenting: 1) Authoritative parents, 2) authoritarian parents, 3) Permissive, tolerant parents, 4) uninvolved (negligent) parents. The study was concluded with secondary school students in two gymnasiums in Klina and Gjakova. Out of 1334 participants who took part in the study, 848 were female, and 486 were male. A quantitative method was used for the analysis. The instrument used for the research is the Parenting Style Scale (Gafor & Kurukkan, 2014). Each statement was conducted with a paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test to see the differences between fathers and mothers. Out of 38 statements, secondary school students showed statistically significant values that mothers are authoritative in 14 statements and permissive in 12 of them. At the same time, fathers are not authoritative but are tolerant in only one statement. According to female perceptions, mothers are more authoritative and permissive than fathers, while based on male perceptions according to the authoritative style, mothers and fathers are equally authoritative. According to the permissive style, fathers are more tolerant than mothers. In Kosovo, mothers are much more involved in parenting compared to fathers. |
Resumen en español | Este estudio se realiz para analizar los estilos de crianza ms comunes de Kosovo en funcin de las percepciones de los estudiantes de secundaria. Hay cuatro estilos de crianza: 1) padres autoritarios, 2) padres autoritarios, 3) padres permisivos y tolerantes, 4) padres no involucrados (negligentes). El estudio concluy con estudiantes de secundaria en dos gimnasios en Klina y Gjakova. De los 1334 participantes que participaron en el estudio, 848 eran mujeres y 486 eran hombres. Para el anlisis se utiliz un mtodo cuantitativo. El instrumento utilizado para la investigacin es la Parenting Style Scale (Gafor & Kurukkan, 2014). Cada afirmacin se realiz con una prueba t de muestras pareadas y una prueba t de muestras independientes para ver las diferencias entre padres y madres. De 38 declaraciones, los estudiantes de secundaria mostraron valores estadsticamente significativos de que las madres son autoritarias en 14 declaraciones y permisivas en 12 de ellas. Al mismo tiempo, los padres no son autoritarios sino tolerantes en una sola afirmacin. Segn las percepciones femeninas, las madres son ms autoritarias y permisivas que los padres, mientras que segn las percepciones masculinas segn el estilo autoritario, las madres y los padres son igualmente autoritarios. Segn el estilo permisivo, los padres son ms tolerantes que las madres. En Kosovo, las madres estn mucho ms involucradas en la crianza de los hijos que los padres. |
Resumen en portugués | This study was conducted to analyze Kosovo's most common parenting styles based on secondary school students' perceptions. There are four styles of parenting: 1) Authoritative parents, 2) authoritarian parents, 3) Permissive, tolerant parents, 4) uninvolved (negligent) parents. The study was concluded with secondary school students in two gymnasiums in Klina and Gjakova. Out of 1334 participants who took part in the study, 848 were female, and 486 were male. A quantitative method was used for the analysis. The instrument used for the research is the Parenting Style Scale (Gafor & Kurukkan, 2014). Each statement was conducted with a paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test to see the differences between fathers and mothers. Out of 38 statements, secondary school students showed statistically significant values that mothers are authoritative in 14 statements and permissive in 12 of them. At the same time, fathers are not authoritative but are tolerant in only one statement. According to female perceptions, mothers are more authoritative and permissive than fathers, while based on male perceptions according to the authoritative style, mothers and fathers are equally authoritative. According to the permissive style, fathers are more tolerant than mothers. In Kosovo, mothers are much more involved in parenting compared to fathers. |
Disciplinas: | Educación, Sociología |
Palabras clave: | autoritario, declaraciones, estilo de crianza, estudiantes, permisivo, percepciones de los estudiantes., Educación media y media superior, Sociología de la familia |
Keyword: | authoritative, statements, parenting style, students, permissive, students perceptions., Secondary education, Sociology of the family |
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