Revista: | Acta scientiarum. Education |
Base de datos: | |
Número de sistema: | 000596560 |
ISSN: | 2178-5198 |
Autores: | Nascimento, Karla Anglica Silva do1 Brito, Antonia Janieiry Ribeiro da Silva2 |
Instituciones: | 1Centro Universitário Christus, Fortaleza, Ceará. Brasil 2Instituto Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará. Brasil |
Año: | 2023 |
Volumen: | 45 |
Número: | s/n |
Paginación: | 60665-60665 |
País: | Brasil |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Resumen en inglés | The study described in the article aims to understand how mobile devices can help teaching practices in the pedagogical project in the classroom and beyond. We opted for a qualitative approach with the use of research-action, involving the collaborative work of a teacher interested in contributing to the resolution of concerns related to the use of these technologies in the school context. Interviews, field diaries, and class observations were analyzed and coded. The results indicate that the elements that supporThe research deals with how mobile technologies helped Science classes, articulating curriculum content and real situations experienced in the community. t Mobile Collaborative Learning, based on teaching practice supported by mobile devices, recognize the importance of teaching as a mediator, involving students in discussions about the themes studied in different learning contexts. One way, via, or possible path that the study brought out is that for these technologies to be integrated into school activities it is necessary to make the curriculum more flexible, both in planning and execution, thus rethinking public policies that encourage the use of these devices at school, especially those of students' own use. |
Resumen en español | El estudio descrito en el artculo pretende comprender cmo los dispositivos mviles pueden ayudar a la prctica docente, durante la realizacin de un proyecto pedaggico dentro y fuera del aula. La investigacin trata de cmo las tecnologas mviles ayudaron a las clases de Ciencias, articulando contenidos curriculares y situaciones reales vividas en la comunidad. Se opt por un enfoque cualitativo con el uso de la investigacin-accin, que implica el trabajo colaborativo de un profesor interesado en contribuir a la resolucin de las preocupaciones relacionadas con el uso de estas tecnologas en el contexto escolar. Se analizaron y codificaron las entrevistas, los diarios de campo y las observaciones de clase. Los resultados indican que los elementos que sustentan el Aprendizaje Colaborativo Mvil, basados en la prctica docente apoyada en dispositivos mviles, reconocen la importancia de la enseanza como mediadora, involucrando a los estudiantes en las discusiones sobre los temas estudiados en diferentes contextos de aprendizaje. Una va, ruta o camino posible que el estudio hizo emerger es que para que estas tecnologas se integren a las actividades escolares es necesario flexibilizar el currculo, tanto en la planificacin como en la ejecucin, replanteando as las polticas pblicas que incentivan el uso de estos dispositivos en la escuela, especialmente las de uso propio de los alumnos. |
Resumen en portugués | The study described in the article aims to understand how mobile devices can help teaching practices in the pedagogical project in the classroom and beyond. We opted for a qualitative approach with the use of research-action, involving the collaborative work of a teacher interested in contributing to the resolution of concerns related to the use of these technologies in the school context. Interviews, field diaries, and class observations were analyzed and coded. The results indicate that the elements that supporThe research deals with how mobile technologies helped Science classes, articulating curriculum content and real situations experienced in the community. t Mobile Collaborative Learning, based on teaching practice supported by mobile devices, recognize the importance of teaching as a mediator, involving students in discussions about the themes studied in different learning contexts. One way, via, or possible path that the study brought out is that for these technologies to be integrated into school activities it is necessary to make the curriculum more flexible, both in planning and execution, thus rethinking public policies that encourage the use of these devices at school, especially those of students' own use. |
Disciplinas: | Educación |
Palabras clave: | Aprendizaje colaborativo mvil, prctica docente, dispositivos mviles, formacin del profesorado., Pedagogía |
Keyword: | mobile collaborative learning, teaching practice, mobile devices, teacher training., Pedagogy |
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