Comparative energy bandgap analysis of zinc and tin based chalcogenide quantum dots

Título del documento: Comparative energy bandgap analysis of zinc and tin based chalcogenide quantum dots
Revista: Revista mexicana de física
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000460718
ISSN: 0035-001X
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu. India
2Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Optics, Changchun, Jilin. China
3Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kalavakkam, Tamil Nadu. India
4Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya, Aichi. Japón
Periodo: Jul-Ago
Volumen: 68
Número: 4
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, teórico
Resumen en inglés Semiconductors with wide bandgaps play an important role in the use of optoelectronic and energy related devices due to their electron confinement, high optical transparency and tunable electrical conductivity. Therefore, in this study, the quantum confinement effect of chalcogenide semiconductor nanocrystals such as ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, SnS, SnSe and SnTe is studied using the Brus model (by effective mass approximation approach), the hyperbolic model and the cohesive energy model. The obtained results indicate that the value of the energy bandgap differs from the bulk crystals related to the quantum confinement effect. These verdicts confirm the quantum confinement effects of materials and their potential applications in optoelectronic devices. Theoretical findings are compared with the corresponding valid experimental data
Disciplinas: Física y astronomía
Palabras clave: Física,
Bandas de energía,
Puntos cuánticos,
Keyword: Physics,
Energy bands,
Quantum dots,
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