Assessment of corona-phobia in university students with the COVID-19 Phobia Scale (C19P-S): A cross-sectional analysis

Document title: Assessment of corona-phobia in university students with the COVID-19 Phobia Scale (C19P-S): A cross-sectional analysis
Journal: Salud mental
System number: 000455161
ISSN: 0185-3325
Authors: 1
Institutions: 1Lahore College for Women University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Allied Health Sciences, Lahore, Punjab. Pakistán
2District Headquarter Hospital, Department of Pharmacy Services, Pakpattan. Pakistán
3University of Lahore, Faculty of Pharmacy, Lahore, Punjab. Pakistán
4University of the Punjab, Punjab University College of Pharmacy, Lahore, Punjab. Pakistán
5Jouf University, College of Pharmacy, Sakakah, Al-Jouf Province. Arabia Saudita
Season: Sep-Oct
Volumen: 45
Number: 5
Pages: 253-260
Country: México
Language: Inglés
Document type: Artículo
Approach: Aplicado, descriptivo
Spanish abstract La fobia a las enfermedades puede imponer malestar psicológico y comprometer la calidad de vida, particularmente en edades tempranas. El COVID-19 causó serias preocupaciones psicológicas en la población en general y éstas requieren la atención de las autoridades de salud para abordar el problema cuanto antes. Objetivo Este estudio buscó determinar la fobia al COVID-19 en jóvenes paquistaníes durante la pandemia actual. Método Se realizó un estudio transversal basado en la web para evaluar el miedo al COVID-19 entre los estudiantes universitarios en Lahore; para esto se utilizó la Escala de Fobia COVID-19 (C19P-S). Se evaluaron factores psicológicos, somáticos, sociales y económicos entre los estudiantes. La relación de la demografía con la puntuación de fobia se determinó mediante pruebas estadísticas apropiadas. Resultados Este estudio incluyó a 374 estudiantes con preponderancia masculina (64.7%). La puntuación media de C19P-S fue 59.08 ± 14.44 (IQR: 50 - 70), sin diferencias significativas entre los datos demográficos, excepto el género (hombres 57.65 ± 14.77 versus mujeres 61.70 ± 13.47; p = .009). Las puntuaciones medias de las subescalas psicológicas, psicosomáticas, económicas y sociales fueron 19.59 ± 5.00 (percentil 25 = 16 y percentil 75 = 24), 12.29 ± 4.56 (percentil 25 = 10 y percentil 75 = 15), 11.22 ± 3.67 (percentil 25) = percentil 8 y 75 = 14) y 15.97 ± 4.04 (percentil 25 = 13.75 y percentil 75 = 19), respectivamente. Los estudiantes varones obtuvieron una puntuación significativamente menor en las subescalas sociales y psicológicas que las mujeres (p< .05). Discusión y conclusión Una cuarta parte de los estudiantes obtuvo una puntuación de miedo > 70 en la C19P-S. Estos resultados indican la necesidad de aplicar medidas extremas para reducir la fobia al Coronavirus entre los estudiantes universitarios
English abstract Disease phobia may impose distressing manifestations along with compromised quality of life, particularly in young age. COVID-19 caused substantial psychological concerns in general population which required the attention of health authorities to address the issue as soon as possible. Objective This study was aimed to determine COVID-19 phobia in Pakistani youth during the current pandemic. Method A cross-sectional study was conducted to ascertain the extent of fear of COVID-19 among university students in Lahore, Pakistan using the COVID-19 Phobia Scale (C19P-S). Psychological, somatic, social, and economic factors were ascertained among students. The relationship of demographics with the phobia score was determined through appropriate statistical tests. Result This study included 374 students with a male preponderance (64.7%). The mean C19P-S score was 59.08 ± 14.44 (IQR: 50 - 70), with no significant difference among demographics except gender (male 57.65 ± 14.77 vs female 61.70 ± 13.47; p = .009). The mean psychological, psycho-somatic, economic, and social subscale scores were 19.59 ± 5.00 (25th percentile = 16 and 75th percentile = 24), 12.29 ± 4.56 (25th percentile = 10 and 75th percentile = 15), 11.22 ± 3.67 (25th percentile = 8 and 75th percentile = 14) and 15.97 ± 4.04 (25th percentile = 13.75 and 75th percentile = 19), respectively. Male students had a significantly lower score on social and psychological subscales than females (p< .05). Discussion and conclusion One fourth of the students achieved a fear score > 70 on C19P-S. These results indicate the need of dire maneuvers for reducing corona-phobia among university students
Disciplines: Psicología,
Keyword: Psicología social,
Estudiantes universitarios
Keyword: Social psychology,
University students
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