Ambulatory patients with coronavirus disease-19

Título del documento: Ambulatory patients with coronavirus disease-19
Revista: Revista médica del Hospital General de México
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000439543
ISSN: 0185-1063
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Hospital General de México, Servicio de Cirugía Torácica, Ciudad de México. México
Periodo: Oct-Dic
Volumen: 83
Número: 4
Paginación: 176-181
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en inglés In 2020, we are living one of the most severe pandemics in history. A virus is able to generate alterations such as inflammation, viral replication, plungers in the pulmonary circuit, and low T lymphocytes, affecting hemodynamics and gas exchange, so that the patient has a clinical state of gravity. In the present work, we present a group of patients managed from home, we monitored some variables with medical equipment and clinical parameters directly and indirectly, for the high demands of hospitalization and based on the criteria of international protocols
Disciplinas: Medicina
Palabras clave: Neumología,
Terapéutica y rehabilitación,
Tratamiento farmacológico,
Atención ambulatoria
Keyword: Pneumology,
Therapeutics and rehabilitation,
Pharmacological treatment,
Ambulatory care
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