Building rapport as a technique to motivate a young incarcerated to learn English

Título del documento: Building rapport as a technique to motivate a young incarcerated to learn English
Revista: Revista lengua y cultura
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000586285
ISSN: 2683-2321
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo,
Volumen: 4
Número: 7
Paginación: 108-115
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Teaching prison inmates may seem very difficult as the context is quite unfamiliar to the majority of English as a foreign language teachers. There are even prejudices that can blind us. Being able to motivate this particular type of student to learn the language is, however, also part of our job and duty as educators. This study aims to analyse if building rapport with prisoners actually increases the motivation we try to encourage. It also aims to identify techniques that may be helpful for achieving the desired response from this type of student. In addition, I hope this work will motivate many other teachers to lose their fear of teaching a language beyond already familiar contexts, to dare to practice in contexts where prejudices abound. The data comprises 13 reflections, written after sixteen sessions. These were analysed for themes, and these were the grouped and coded under different labels or categories. The results suggest that establishing and building rapport with students whose learning and living context is a jail, can help to increase their attention and desire to learn more, and also to promote their active participation regarding to planning their learning.
Resumen en inglés Teaching prison inmates may seem very difficult as the context is quite unfamiliar to the majority of English as a foreign language teachers. There are even prejudices that can blind us. Being able to motivate this particular type of student to learn the language is, however, also part of our job and duty as educators. This study aims to analyse if building rapport with prisoners actually increases the motivation we try to encourage. It also aims to identify techniques that may be helpful for achieving the desired response from this type of student. In addition, I hope this work will motivate many other teachers to lose their fear of teaching a language beyond already familiar contexts, to dare to practice in contexts where prejudices abound. The data comprises 13 reflections, written after sixteen sessions. These were analysed for themes, and these were the grouped and coded under different labels or categories. The results suggest that establishing and building rapport with students whose learning and living context is a jail, can help to increase their attention and desire to learn more, and also to promote their active participation regarding to planning their learning.
Resumen en español La enseñanza a reclusos puede parecer complicado debido a que este contexto es demasiado desconocido para la gran mayoría de docentes de inglés. Incluso existen prejuicios que nos ciegan. Motivarlos a aprender el idioma es parte de nuestro trabajo y deber como educadores. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar si el desarrollo de rapport con ellos engrosa efectivamente la motivación que tratamos de estimular. Este trabajo igualmente busca identificar técnicas que pudieran ser de ayuda para alcanzar la respuesta esperada de nuestros alumnos. Así mismo, espero este trabajo logre motivar a otros maestros para perder el miedo a llevar la enseñanza de una lengua más allá de los contextos ya conocidos, a contextos que les son atribuidos falsos prejuicios. Para llegar a la recolección de datos, se analizan 13 reflexiones escritas después de dieciséis sesiones. Éstas son analizadas basadas en un proceso de coding, dándoles así una etiqueta o categoría. Respecto a los resultados, estos apuntan a que el construir y establecer rapport con nuestros alumnos cuyo contexto es el de la cárcel, ayuda a incrementar su atención y deseo de aprender más, así como promover su activa participación en decisiones de planeación.
Palabras clave: motivación,
relación maestro-alumno
Keyword: motivation,
teacher-student relationship
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