Una mirada al experimento docente en las Ciencias Naturales

Título del documento: Una mirada al experimento docente en las Ciencias Naturales
Revista: Horizonte pedagógico (La Habana)
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000568312
ISSN: 2310-3648
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, La Habana. Cuba
Volumen: 12
Número: 2
País: Cuba
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés The teaching experiment is one of the fundamental methodological procedures, in the direction of the educational process that takes place through the teaching and learning of the natural sciences, to guarantee the achievement of its objectives and the consequent continuous elevation of the quality of its teaching; however, in the area of ​​6th grade Sciences, schoolchildren have presented considerable insufficiencies regarding the resolution of experimental tasks. The essential purpose of this work is to reflect on the use of the teaching experiment based on the results of 6th grade Sciences in the Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (ERCE 2019) so that the experimental activity mediated by the teacher contributes, more effectively, to the learning of science. The scientific study was oriented by the mixed research approach following the modality of sequential explanatory design. In the quantitative phase, data from the ERCE-2019 was analyzed, data processing was carried out in percentages of correct answers, and statistical methods were used; the quantitative results were used in the qualitative interpretation of a small number of units of analysis made up of cognitive errors of the students, prioritizing the teaching contents that they proved to master in cognitive performance levels III and IV in the aforementioned test. The characterization of the cognitive performance of the students in this area of ​​learning and a proposal of didactic suggestions for the attention of the main deficiencies appreciated are established as results.
Resumen en español El experimento docente es uno de los procedimientos metodológicos fundamentales, en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Naturales, para garantizar el logro de sus objetivos y la consecuente elevación continua de la calidad de su enseñanza. Sin embargo, en el área de Ciencias 6to grado los escolares han presentado insuficiencias de consideración relativas a la resolución de tareas experimentales. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar en torno al experimento docente, a partir de los resultados de Ciencias 6to grado durante estudios de evaluación educativa y proponer sugerencias didácticas para su empleo en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje de las Ciencias Naturales, con vista a elevar a niveles superiores la calidad de la educación del alumnado. El estudio científico se orientó por el enfoque mixto de investigación siguiendo la modalidad de Diseño explicativo secuencial. En la fase cuantitativa se analizaron datos del ERCE-2019, se realizó el procesamiento de datos en por cientos de respuestas correctas, y se emplearon métodos estadísticos. En la fase cualitativa se interpretaron los resultados cuantitativos de una cantidad reducida de unidades de análisis constituida por errores cognitivos de los estudiantes priorizando los contenidos de enseñanza que ellos probaron dominar en los niveles de desempeño cognitivo III y IV en la prueba antes mencionada. Se establecen como resultados la caracterización del rendimiento cognitivo de los educandos en este ámbito de aprendizaje y una propuesta de sugerencias didácticas para la atención de las principales deficiencias apreciadas.Abstract: The teaching experiment is one of the fundamental methodological procedures, in the direction of the educational process that takes place through the teaching and learning of the natural sciences, to guarantee the achievement of its objectives and the consequent continuous elevation of the quality of its teaching; however, in the area of ​​6th grade Sciences, schoolchildren have presented considerable insufficiencies regarding the resolution of experimental tasks. The essential purpose of this work is to reflect on the use of the teaching experiment based on the results of 6th grade Sciences in the Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (ERCE 2019) so that the experimental activity mediated by the teacher contributes, more effectively, to the learning of science. The scientific study was oriented by the mixed research approach following the modality of sequential explanatory design. In the quantitative phase, data from the ERCE-2019 was analyzed, data processing was carried out in percentages of correct answers, and statistical methods were used; the quantitative results were used in the qualitative interpretation of a small number of units of analysis made up of cognitive errors of the students, prioritizing the teaching contents that they proved to master in cognitive performance levels III and IV in the aforementioned test. The characterization of the cognitive performance of the students in this area of ​​learning and a proposal of didactic suggestions for the attention of the main deficiencies appreciated are established as results.Keywords: teaching experiment; natural sciences; educational evaluation.
Disciplinas: Educación,
Ciencia y tecnología
Palabras clave: experimento docente,
ciencias naturales,
evaluación educativa,
Evaluación educativa,
Ciencias naturales
Keyword: Educational assessment,
Natural sciences
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