Círculo de interés para la motivación a la asignatura matemática en educandos de tercer grado

Título del documento: Círculo de interés para la motivación a la asignatura matemática en educandos de tercer grado
Revista: Horizonte pedagógico (La Habana)
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000568289
ISSN: 2310-3648
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Escuela Primaria "Manuel Saiz Sanchez", La Habana. Cuba
2Escuela Primaria "Mariana Grajales", La Habana. Cuba
3Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "Enrique José Varona", La Habana. Cuba
Volumen: 12
Número: 4
País: Cuba
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés Teaching – learning process en Primary Education demands the need for learning to be more developing every day, therefore the teacher must focus on new strategies to enhance motivation toward the subjects taught, allowing a comprehensive development. This process is mediated by the existing relationships between the objectives and contents to be achieved by this age group, in addition to taking into account the teaching reality they have in order to appropriate the contents. The motivational deficiencies identified invite us to reflect on the educational work in Primary Education in the subject of Mathematic. In addition to the use of the circle of interest, as a means of acquiring the contents addressed in this subject, taking into account the variability and potentialities of the students so that greater motivation is achieved toward its study. The objective of this article is to propose some a circle of interest for motivation to learn mathematics in students in the first cycle of Primary School, encouraging students become more interested in these contents, increasing their cognitive and motivational abilities, obtaining a independence on his part, these changes would have an impact on his academic performance, making him work according to his type of learning, encouraging him and not forcing him, thus increasing his mathematical knowledge, hence the effective importance of the proposed circle of interest.
Resumen en español El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la Escuela Primaria exige la necesidad de que el aprendizaje sea cada vez más desarrollador, por lo que el docente debe centrarse en buscar nuevas estrategias para potenciar la motivación hacia las asignaturas que se imparten, permitiendo un crecimiento integral de los procesos psíquicos superiores de los educandos en este momento del desarrollo. El mismo está mediado por las relaciones existentes entre los objetivos y contenidos a alcanzar por este grupo etáreo, además de tener en cuenta la realidad docente que poseen para poder apropiarse del contenido. Las carencias motivacionales identificadas invitan a reflexionar sobre la labor educativa en la Escuela Primaria en la asignatura matemática, además del empleo del círculo de interés, como vía de adquisición de los contenidos abordados en esta asignatura, teniendo en cuenta la variabilidad de actividales y potencialidades de los educandos para que se logre una mayor motivación hacia el estudio de la misma. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo proponer un círculo de interés para la motivación por el aprendizaje de la matemática en los educandos de primer ciclo de la Escuela Primaria, propiciando que los educandos logren interesarse más por estos contenidos, aumentando sus capacidades cognitivas y motivacionales y con ello una independencia por parte del mismo, estos cambios tendrían un impacto en su rendimiento escolar haciendo que trabaje de acuerdo a su tipo de aprendizaje, animándolo y no forzándolo, aumentando así su conocimiento matemático, de ahí la importancia y efectividad del círculo de interés propuesto.Abstract: Teaching – learning process en Primary Education demands the need for learning to be more developing every day, therefore the teacher must focus on new strategies to enhance motivation toward the subjects taught, allowing a comprehensive development. This process is mediated by the existing relationships between the objectives and contents to be achieved by this age group, in addition to taking into account the teaching reality they have in order to appropriate the contents. The motivational deficiencies identified invite us to reflect on the educational work in Primary Education in the subject of Mathematic. In addition to the use of the circle of interest, as a means of acquiring the contents addressed in this subject, taking into account the variability and potentialities of the students so that greater motivation is achieved toward its study. The objective of this article is to propose some a circle of interest for motivation to learn mathematics in students in the first cycle of Primary School, encouraging students become more interested in these contents, increasing their cognitive and motivational abilities, obtaining a independence on his part, these changes would have an impact on his academic performance, making him work according to his type of learning, encouraging him and not forcing him, thus increasing his mathematical knowledge, hence the effective importance of the proposed circle of interest. Keywords: Motivation toward study, learning mathematic, complementary activity, circle of interest.
Disciplinas: Educación
Palabras clave: círculo de interés,
Motivación hacia el estudio,
aprendizaje de la matemática,
actividad complementaria,
Educación básica
Keyword: Motivation toward study,
learning mathematic,
complementary activity,
circle of interest,
Basic education
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