El derecho a la vivienda. Estudio sobre su reconocimiento e interpretación

Título del documento: El derecho a la vivienda. Estudio sobre su reconocimiento e interpretación
Revista: Vivienda y comunidades sustentables
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000530874
ISSN: 2594-0198
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco. México
2Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Barcelona. España
Número: 12
Paginación: 117-146
País: México
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, teórico
Resumen en español A partir de la cuantificación de materiales se ha analizado comparativamente el peso volumétri-co, la energía incorporada y las emisiones de CO2con relación a un modelo realizado con sistemas constructivos convencionales, demostrándose de manera cuantitativa las destacables cualidades ecológicas del sistema alternativo construido con bajareque tecnificado. issions have been comparatively analyzed in relation to a model made with conventional cons-truction systems, quantitatively demonstrating the remarkable ecological qualities of an alternative system built with technified bajareque
Resumen en inglés This article analyzes the effectiveness of the constitutional recognition of the right to hous-ing. First, it focuses on a theoretical study with a descriptive scope of the models of guarantee of the right to housing adopted at the international level, referring to certain regulations and court decisions that make the right to housing enforce-able and justiceable in Latin America and Europe. Second, in the last section, a causal analysis of normative and statistical data from eight coun-tries2 shows that the recognition of the right to housing in its full meaning and its effectiveness is related to other components that go beyond mere constitutional recognition.This descriptive article offers a first approach to the fundamental aspects of the right to hou-sing, mainly from the legal and structural pers-pective of the guarantee of this human right. In summary, the study allows us to conclude that the apparent constitutionalization of the right to housing has been generalized; however, the constitutional asymmetries that are present in European countries as pioneers in its concep-tualization versus the gaps presented by Latin American countries have been directly replicated in the performance of the protection of the right to housing
Disciplinas: Derecho
Palabras clave: Derecho comparado,
Derecho a la vivienda,
Política de vivienda
Texto completo: https://www.revistavivienda.cuaad.udg.mx/index.php/rv/article/view/211/492

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