Revista: | Revista mexicana de cardiología |
Base de datos: | PERIÓDICA |
Número de sistema: | 000322208 |
ISSN: | 0188-2198 |
Autores: | Ogaz Garzaaldape, Enrique1 Palacios Rodríguez, Juan Manuel1 Cantú Ramírez, Samuel1 Cruz Ramón, O. de la1 Jáuregui, Oddir1 Rosas Ramos, Andrés1 |
Instituciones: | 1Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Hospital de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares y del Tórax 34, Monterrey, Nuevo León. México |
Año: | 2005 |
Periodo: | Oct-Dic |
Volumen: | 16 |
Número: | 4 |
Paginación: | 162-173 |
País: | México |
Idioma: | Español |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Enfoque: | Experimental, caso clínico |
Resumen en español | tiene mejor resultado en Dm a 6 meses y un año vs implante de St no farmacológico. Los NDm tienen mejor pronóstico tratados con implante de St no farmacológico a 6 meses y a un año. Los Dm presentan mayor incidencia de MACES vs los NDm por lo cual se reafirma que los pacientes diabéticos Dm tienen mejor pronóstico tratados con ACTP simple con balón que con uso de St no farmacológico. El presente estudio no contempló el uso de St farmacológicos |
Resumen en inglés | More than 30% ussually treated patients (pts) with coronary artery lesions corresponding in small coronary arteries. Method: From april 1995 to january 2004 which were attended in our hospital (CMNN HRE 34 IMSS), 453 pts attended with coronary angioplasty; To evaluate the safety, efficacy and the effects of the coronary artery ballon angioplasty (PTCA) and stenting immediate and follow up to 6 and 12 months in both groups diabetics and non diabetics patients (pts) the age average in our groups was 59.2 + 6.5; 63% male and 34.8 female gender without demographic differences as hypertension disease (HD), diabetes mellitus (DM), dyslipidaemia (DLP), smoking and obesity. Results: The patients (pts) were divided in diabetic (DM), 178/454 39.20% and non diabetic groups (NDM) 276/454, 60.79%; as a mean while both divided into two kinds of interventional procedures utilized ballon angioplasty (TPCA), alone or stent implantation (st). Small vessel were defined as a those less than 2.8 mm, with oscilating diameters between 2.8 and 1.8 mm smaller the diabetic groups most frequently seen. The (NDm) showed better functional status for the firts 6 months treated with (TPCA) with P ≤ 0.0217. The diabetic (DM), pts were considered deleterious and in a high risk group to MACES. (DM) pts were presenting more MACES in 6 months and a following year compared with (NDM) pts P ≤ 0.0001. This group of pts with (St) implant showed with statistical bad prognosis about MACES in compared with those (NDM) treated even 6 months P ≤ 0.014 and following to a year with P ≤ 0.0001. MACES in (DM) pts treated with (St) vs (TPCA) alone were similar results in the first 6 months P ≤ 0.43 but adverse effects growing in a year follow up with MACES in (DM) (St) group with P < 0.02. The (NDM) pts has a better prognosis maintaining a class I even treated with (TPCA) alone or with (St) implantation in compared with (DM) pts. The (TPCA) alone has better results in (DM) pts vs (St) implant |
Disciplinas: | Medicina |
Palabras clave: | Cirugía, Sistema cardiovascular, Stent, Angioplastia, Reestenosis, Diabetes |
Keyword: | Medicine, Cardiovascular system, Surgery, Stent, Angioplasty, Restenosis, Diabetes |
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