Manejo avanzado del infarto cerebral en un hospital público chileno: trombectomía mecánica en el Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau

Título del documento: Manejo avanzado del infarto cerebral en un hospital público chileno: trombectomía mecánica en el Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau
Revista: Revista médica de Chile
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000457859
ISSN: 0034-9887
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Hospital Barros Luco-Trudeau, Servicio de Neurología, Santiago de Chile. Chile
2Hospital Barros Luco-Trudeau, Servicio de Radiología y Neurorradiología intervencional, Santiago de Chile. Chile
3Universidad Católica del Maule, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Talca. Chile
Periodo: Sep
Volumen: 150
Número: 9
Paginación: 1180-1187
País: Chile
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Aplicado, descriptivo
Resumen en inglés Mechanical thrombectomy is the accepted treatment for acute ischemic stroke in Large Vessel Occlusion. The Barros Luco Trudeau hospital developed endovenous thrombolysis in 2010, and since 2012, implemented endovascular management, becoming the neurovascular center in the southern area of the metropolitan region. Aim: To describe endovascular management of acute ischemic stroke in a Chilean public hospital. Material and Methods: Analysis of patients with acute ischemic stroke that were treated with mechanical throm-bectomy from 2012 to 2019 in the Barros Luco Hospital. Results: In the study period, a mechanical thrombectomy was carried out in 149 patients aged 61 ± 15 years (46% females). The average National institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at presentation was 19 ± 4-5. Anterior or posterior circulation involvement was present in 89.9 and 10.1 % of patients. Twenty-five percent of patients were referred from other public centers. The mean lapse between onset of symptoms and thrombectomy was 266 ± 178 in. Ninety days after the procedure, 58% of patients had minimal or absent disability (Modified Ranson score of 0-2), and 19,2% died. Conclusions: Mechanical thrombectomy, according to this experience, has favorable clinical outcomes in patients with high NIHSS scores at entry
Disciplinas: Medicina
Palabras clave: Sistema cardiovascular,
Terapéutica y rehabilitación,
Accidentes cerebrovasculares,
Trombectomía mecánica,
Terapia trombolítica
Keyword: Cardiovascular system,
Therapeutics and rehabilitation,
Mechanical thrombectomy,
Thrombolytic therapy
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