Begegnungen angehender DaF/DaZ-Lehrkräfte mit Curriculumtheorie, Curriculumforschung und Curriculumentwicklung

Título del documento: Begegnungen angehender DaF/DaZ-Lehrkräfte mit Curriculumtheorie, Curriculumforschung und Curriculumentwicklung
Revista: Revista lengua y cultura
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000586265
ISSN: 2683-2321
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1German Jordanian University,
Volumen: 3
Número: 6
Paginación: 79-96
País: México
In diesem Beitrag werden in einem ersten Schritt die Inhalte und Ziele eines Seminars an der Universität Wien zum Aufbau von „Curriculumkompetenz" bei angehenden DaF/DaZ-Lehrkräften erläutert. Zu Beginn, in der Mitte und am Ende des Wintersemesters 2020/21 reflektierten die SeminarteilnehmerInnen über die Entwicklung ihrer persönlichen Curriculumkompetenz im Rahmen von Online-Befragungen, die das Erhebungsinstrument für die Daten der in diesem Beitrag fokussierten Längsschnittstudie sind. Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse der drei Online-Befragungen präsentiert und diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass Studierende in ihrer universitären Ausbildung kaum je mit Fragen der Curriculumtheorie, Curriculumforschung sowie Curriculumentwicklung in Berührung kommen. Im Zuge der Leistungsbeurteilung mussten die Studierenden in sogenannten „Teacher Design Teams" selbst DaF/DaZ-Curricula erstellen, was sich ihnen als eine ertragreiche Aufgabe darstellte. Als schwieriger hingegen gestaltete sich für sie die Curriculumforschung, die sie in ihren Seminararbeiten durchführen mussten.
Resumen en inglés In a first step, this article examines the few initiatives on curriculum issues that exist in GFL degree programs, and explains the content and goals of a seminar at the University of Vienna to develop "curriculum competence" among prospective GFL teachers. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the winter semester 2020/21, the seminar participants reflected on the development of their personal curriculum competence in the course of online polls, which are the survey instrument for the data of the longitudinal study focused on in this article. The results of the three online polls are subsequently presented and discussed. It turns out that students hardly ever come into contact with questions of curriculum theory, curriculum research and curriculum development in their university education. As part of the performance assessment, the students themselves had to create curricula for German as a foreign language in so-called "teacher design teams", which they found a profitable task. Curriculum research that they had to carry out in their seminar papers proved to be more difficult for them.
Resumen en español In a first step, this article examines the few initiatives on curriculum issues that exist in GFL degree programs, and explains the content and goals of a seminar at the University of Vienna to develop "curriculum competence" among prospective GFL teachers. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the winter semester 2020/21, the seminar participants reflected on the development of their personal curriculum competence in the course of online polls, which are the survey instrument for the data of the longitudinal study focused on in this article. The results of the three online polls are subsequently presented and discussed. It turns out that students hardly ever come into contact with questions of curriculum theory, curriculum research and curriculum development in their university education. As part of the performance assessment, the students themselves had to create curricula for German as a foreign language in so-called "teacher design teams", which they found a profitable task. Curriculum research that they had to carry out in their seminar papers proved to be more difficult for them.
Palabras clave: Curriculum competence,
German as a foreign language,
online poll,
teacher education,
teachers as curriculum makers
Keyword: Curriculum competence,
German as a foreign language,
online poll,
teacher education,
teachers as curriculum makers
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