El juego dramático como alternativa didáctica para la articulación de los fonemas en primer grado

Título del documento: El juego dramático como alternativa didáctica para la articulación de los fonemas en primer grado
Revista: Horizonte pedagógico (La Habana)
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000568320
ISSN: 2310-3648
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "Enrique José Varona", La Habana. Cuba
Volumen: 12
Número: 1
Paginación: 28-39
País: Cuba
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés In first grade, when phonemes are worked on, within them there is a significant group that, due to their articulatory form and placement of the resonating organs, are very complex for first grade students to articulate them correctly, taking the aforementioned as a reference. of carrying out the investigation. The research that was applied is of a non-experimental design with a transversal axis, its approach is qualitative descriptive. It was applied in order to contribute to the improvement of the articulation of the phonemes |ṙ|, |f|, |s|, |k|, |ĉ|, |h|, |g|, |b|, |d| and in the combination of phonemes with |l|, |r|, in first grade, through the application of dramatic games. For the probabilistic population, 58 first grade students were selected, and the intentional sample was 27 students. To carry out the investigation, the dialectical-materialist method was used as the guiding method of science. For this, the specific research methods of the theoretical level, Analysis-synthesis, Analysis-documentary, and those of the empirical level were used Pedagogical Test of entry and output, Expert Consultation and Percentage Analysis The instrument used for data collection was the input and output Pedagogical Test, the data was statistically processed, the results show that the application of dramatic games contributed to the improvement of the articulation of phonemes and the combination of phonemes.
Resumen en español En primer grado cuando se trabajan los fonemas, dentro de ellos hay un grupo significativo que por su forma articulatoria y de colocación de los órganos resonadores, les son muy complejos a los escolares de primer grado articularlos de forma correcta, tomando como referente lo anteriormente citado de llevo a cabo la investigación. La investigación que se aplicó es de diseño no experimental con eje transversal, su enfoque es cualitativo descriptivo. Se aplico con el fin de contribuir al mejoramiento de la articulación de los fonemas |ṙ|, |f|, |s|, |k|, |ĉ|, |h|, |g|, |b|, |d| y en la combinación de fonemas con |l|, |r|, en primer grado, mediante la aplicación de juegos dramáticos.  Para la población probabilística se selecciono 58 alumnos de primer grado, y la muestra intencional fue de 27 alumnos. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se empleó como método rector de la ciencia el dialéctico-materialista  para ello se emplearon los métodos específicos de investigación del nivel teórico, el Análisis-síntesis, Análisis-documental, y  los del nivel empírico Prueba Pedagógica de entrada y de salida, Consulta a Expertos Y el Anális porcentual  El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de datos fue la Prueba Pedagógica de entrada y de salida, los datos se procesaron estadísticamente, los resultados muestran que la aplicación de los juegos dramáticos contribuyó al mejoramiento de la articulación de los fonemas y la combinación de los fonemas. Abstract: In first grade, when phonemes are worked on, within them there is a significant group that, due to their articulatory form and placement of the resonating organs, are very complex for first grade students to articulate them correctly, taking the aforementioned as a reference. of carrying out the investigation. The research that was applied is of a non-experimental design with a transversal axis, its approach is qualitative descriptive. It was applied in order to contribute to the improvement of the articulation of the phonemes |ṙ|, |f|, |s|, |k|, |ĉ|, |h|, |g|, |b|, |d| and in the combination of phonemes with |l|, |r|, in first grade, through the application of dramatic games. For the probabilistic population, 58 first grade students were selected, and the intentional sample was 27 students. To carry out the investigation, the dialectical-materialist method was used as the guiding method of science. For this, the specific research methods of the theoretical level, Analysis-synthesis, Analysis-documentary, and those of the empirical level were used Pedagogical Test of entry and output, Expert Consultation and Percentage Analysis The instrument used for data collection was the input and output Pedagogical Test, the data was statistically processed, the results show that the application of dramatic games contributed to the improvement of the articulation of phonemes and the combination of phonemes.Keywords: Phonemes, articulation, didactic, dramatic game
Disciplinas: Educación
Palabras clave: Lenguaje,
Keyword: articulation,
dramatic game,
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