Neo-Extractivism in Latin America – one side of a new phase of global capitalist dynamics

Título del documento: Neo-Extractivism in Latin America – one side of a new phase of global capitalist dynamics
Revista: Ciencia política
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000563159
ISSN: 1909-230X
Autores: 2
Instituciones: 1Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Pichincha. Ecuador
2University of Wien, Viena. Austria
3Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlín. Alemania
Volumen: 11
Número: 21
Paginación: 125-159
País: Colombia
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en español The aim of this text is to make sense of the emerging political-institutional, territorial, and socio-ecological dynamics and contradictions of neo-extractivism in Latin America in the context of global capitalist development. In contrast to some existing literature, we argue that the term "neo-extractivism" should not be restricted to countries with progressive governments but be applied to all Latin American societies that, since the 1970s and especially since the year 2000, depend predominantly on the exploitation and exportation of nature. We argue that the often vague usage of the term neo-extractivism can be strengthened when it is seen in line with dominant development models. Therefore we refer to regulation theory and its historical heuristic of different phases of capitalist development. This enables us to look at the temporal-spatial interdependencies between shifting socio-economic and technological developments, world market structures, and political-institutional configurations that characterize neo-extractivism across scales and beyond national borders.
Disciplinas: Economía
Palabras clave: Extractivism,
development model,
resource-based development,
history of capitalism,
Latin America,
regulation theory.,
Desarrollo económico
Keyword: Economic development
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