Revista: | Brazilian journal of physics |
Base de datos: | PERIÓDICA |
Número de sistema: | 000392486 |
ISSN: | 0103-9733 |
Autores: | Gautam, Manjeet Singh1 Rajni1 Sharma, Manoj K1 |
Instituciones: | 1Thapar University, School of Physics and Material Science, Patiala, Punjab. India |
Año: | 2016 |
Periodo: | Abr |
Volumen: | 46 |
Número: | 2 |
Paginación: | 133-142 |
País: | Brasil |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Enfoque: | Experimental, analítico |
Resumen en inglés | The fusion dynamics of 16 32S+ 40 94Zr reaction at near and sub-barrier energies is investigated within the context of different theoretical approaches. The various theoretical models like one-dimensional Wong formula, ℓ-summed extended Wong formula, the energy-dependent Woods-Saxon potential model (EDWSP model), and coupled channel formulation have been used to address the impacts of nuclear structure degrees of freedom of the colliding pairs. The roles of different Skyrme forces along with Wong formalism are also tested in the analysis of the sub-barrier fusion dynamics of the 16 32S + 40 94Zr reaction. The influence of the low-lying surface vibrational states of the collision partners is investigated within the framework of coupled channel calculations performed by the code CCFULL. In the present work, it has been observed that the EDWSP model introduces barrier modification effects somewhat similar to those of the coupled channel approach, as well as those of using different Skyrme forces and hence it reasonably addresses the observed fusion data of 16 32S + 40 94Zr reaction in the close vicinity of the Coulomb barrier |
Disciplinas: | Física y astronomía |
Palabras clave: | Física nuclear, Fusión nuclear, Iones pesados, Potencial de Woods-Saxon, Aproximación de canal acoplado, Fuerzas de Skyrme |
Keyword: | Physics and astronomy, Nuclear physics, Nuclear fusion, Heavy ions, Woods-Saxon potential, Coupled channel approach, Skyrme forces |
Texto completo: | Texto completo (Ver PDF) |