Imprevisibilidad, contrato e imprevisión en el nuevo código civil y comercial argentino

Document title: Imprevisibilidad, contrato e imprevisión en el nuevo código civil y comercial argentino
Journal: Revista de Derecho Privado
Database: CLASE
System number: 000499954
ISSN: 1909-7794
Authors: 1
Institutions: 1Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco, Cautín. Chile
Season: Ene-Jun
Number: 36
Country: Colombia
Language: Español
Document type: Artículo
Approach: Analítico, descriptivo
Spanish abstract Este trabajo problematiza el requisito de la imprevisibilidad como condición de aplicación de los remedios de adecuación o resolución del contrato previstos por el nuevo código civil y comercial argentino de 2014 para el supuesto de excesiva onerosidad sobrevenida. Pese a que el reciente texto normativo, a diferencia del sustituido, lo omite, la doctrina argentina y una incipiente jurisprudencia lo dan por existente. Tras un análisis del dispositivo legal y de las distintas interpretaciones, se propone una solución diversificada: la imprevisibilidad será un requisito cuando la onerosidad sobrevenida sea "excesiva", pero no habrá de exigirse cuando, además de excesiva, sea manifiestamente "irrazonable o inicua"
English abstract The present article has as main goal to problematize the requirement of the unpredictability as a condition for the application of the adjustment remedies or to provoke the resolution of the contract, which is established by the recent Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina (2014) for those cases in which the performance of the contract becomes excessively onerous. Despite the lack in the previous named legal code, unlike the former one, most of the Argentinian authors, as well as an incipient jurisprudence, its recognize its existence. After dealing with the regulatory text, as well as its many different interpretations, we will propose a "diversified" solution: the unpredictability should be a requirement when the performance of the contract becomes excessively onerous; on the contrary, it shouldn't be such a requirement when, as well as an excessively onerous, the performance of the contract becomes also unreasonable or iniquitous
Disciplines: Derecho
Keyword: Derecho civil,
Codigo civil,
Resolución del contrato,
Principio de buena fe,
Tutela del sinalagma
Keyword: Civil law,
Civil code,
Termination of the Contract,
Good Faith,
Protection of equity balance
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