Oxygenated glycerol derivatives as an alternative source of energy: A review

Título del documento: Oxygenated glycerol derivatives as an alternative source of energy: A review
Revista: Ecletica quimica
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000552819
ISSN: 0100-4670
Autores: 2
Instituciones: 1Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Departamento de Química, João Pessoa, Paraíba. Brasil
2Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Departamento de Química, São Luís, Maranhão. Brasil
Volumen: 36
Número: 4
Paginación: 54-61
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés Due to the excessive production of crude glycerol by the Brazilian biodiesel industries, the commercial interest for glycerol derivatives has widely increased. Therefore, several methodologies have been proposed for such purpose, combining the reuse of this abundant raw material with new applications. In such context, this review summarizes a number of works focused on oxygenated glycerol derivatives production, regarding the reactions mechanisms (etherification, acetalization, esterification, and fermentation) and the physicochemical chemical properties and application. Thus, this work aims to contribute to future studies in chemical modification of crude glycerol; hence most of the scientific publications have discussed additives yielded from pure glycerol.
Disciplinas: Química,
Palabras clave: Química orgánica,
Ingeniería de energéticos
Keyword: Organic chemistry,
Energy engineering
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