Sobre el rechazo de artículos científicos y la gestión editorial: un estudio exploratorio

Título del documento: Sobre el rechazo de artículos científicos y la gestión editorial: un estudio exploratorio
Revista: Telos. Revista de estudios interdisciplinarios en ciencias sociales
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000596154
ISSN: 1317-0570
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chillán, Ñuble. Chile
Periodo: Sep-Dic
Volumen: 26
Número: 3
Paginación: 806-825
País: Venezuela
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés This work aims to identify the attitudes of researchers who have received a rejection of articles in the editorial process of scientific journals, emphasizing the rejection of articles and the forms of communication of this verdict. A mixed, exploratory, cross-sectional design study was carried out. The population consisted of Spanish-speaking researchers who had submitted articles to scientific journals and had at least one article rejection in their professional careers. The sampling was non-probabilistic, of the accidental type, reaching a total of 92 informants. A mixed questionnaire was applied, validated by experts, and based on a pilot test. The results show the occurrence of justified and unjustified rejections, acceptance of justified and argued rejection, and feelings such as frustration, disappointment, incomprehension, and anger when there are unjustified rejections or reports with derogatory expressions that have not been filtered by the editors; experienced researchers who, in spite of unjustified rejections persevere until publication, as opposed to the few abandonments, due to anger, disappointment, and loss of self-esteem. We conclude by considering rejection as a didactic instance, as long as there is timely and well-argued information from the editors of a journal; editorial management is improved through transparent, informed, and timely processes.
Resumen en español This work aims to identify the attitudes of researchers who have received a rejection of articles in the editorial process of scientific journals, emphasizing the rejection of articles and the forms of communication of this verdict. A mixed, exploratory, cross-sectional design study was carried out. The population consisted of Spanish-speaking researchers who had submitted articles to scientific journals and had at least one article rejection in their professional careers. The sampling was non-probabilistic, of the accidental type, reaching a total of 92 informants. A mixed questionnaire was applied, validated by experts, and based on a pilot test. The results show the occurrence of justified and unjustified rejections, acceptance of justified and argued rejection, and feelings such as frustration, disappointment, incomprehension, and anger when there are unjustified rejections or reports with derogatory expressions that have not been filtered by the editors; experienced researchers who, in spite of unjustified rejections persevere until publication, as opposed to the few abandonments, due to anger, disappointment, and loss of self-esteem. We conclude by considering rejection as a didactic instance, as long as there is timely and well-argued information from the editors of a journal; editorial management is improved through transparent, informed, and timely processes.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las actitudes de investigadores que han recibido rechazo de artículos en el proceso editorial de revistas científicas, con énfasis en el rechazo de los artículos y las formas de comunicación que se hacen de ese veredicto. Se realizó un estudio de carácter mixto, de tipo exploratorio, con diseño transeccional. La población estuvo constituida por investigadores de habla hispana que hubiesen postulado artículos a revistas científicas, teniendo, por lo menos en su trayectoria profesional, un rechazo de artículo. El muestreo fue no probabilístico, de tipo accidental, llegando a un total de 92 informantes. Se aplicó un cuestionario de tipo mixto validado por expertos y a partir de prueba piloto. Los resultados muestran la ocurrencia de rechazos justificados y no justificados; aceptación del rechazo justificado y argumentado, y sentimientos como frustración, decepción, incomprensión, enojo, cuando se producen rechazos injustificados o informes con expresiones despectivas que no han sido filtradas por los editores; investigadores con experiencia que, a pesar de rechazos injustificados perseveran hasta publicar, en contraposición a los pocos abandonos, debido al enojo, decepción y merma de la autoestima. Se concluye considerando el rechazo como una instancia didáctica, siempre y cuando exista información oportuna y argumentada por parte de los editores de una revista; la gestión editorial se mejora a partir de procesos transparentes, informados y oportunos.
Disciplinas: Ciencia y tecnología,
Bibliotecología y ciencia de la información
Palabras clave: artículo científico,
revisión por pares,
gestión editorial,
Sistemas de información
Keyword: scientific paper,
peer review,
editorial management,
Information systems
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