Sectorización del trabajo de Médicos Hospitalistas por área geográfica en un hospital universitario con servicios médico quirúrgicos indiferenciados. Proyecto de mejora de calidad

Título del documento: Sectorización del trabajo de Médicos Hospitalistas por área geográfica en un hospital universitario con servicios médico quirúrgicos indiferenciados. Proyecto de mejora de calidad
Revista: Revista médica de Chile
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000457844
ISSN: 0034-9887
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Medicina, Santiago de Chile. Chile
Periodo: Sep
Volumen: 150
Número: 9
Paginación: 1224-1233
País: Chile
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en inglés Historically, the wards of hospitals were divided by services such as medicine, surgery and traumatology, among others. To optimize the use of beds, undifferentiated medical surgical services were implemented in different hospitals in the country. This work organization had consequences in several areas, such as teamwork, the sense of belonging, the quality of teaching and travel times, among other factors. In 2018, at a Clinical hospital, we started a quality improvement project that consisted of assigning low complexity internal medicine teams to limited geographic areas, aiming to have sectorized teams. Through some PlanStudy-Do-Act (PDSA) cycles of continuous improvement, more than 80% of the patients were quickly sectorized, however there were multiple threats during the project. Pre- and post-implementation surveys were conducted with nurses, internal medicine residents, and medical Staff, highlighting an improvement in multiple aspects concerning the quality of communication, interdisciplinary work, the time of visits, and satisfaction, among others
Disciplinas: Medicina
Palabras clave: Salud pública,
Atención a la salud,
Calidad de la atención,
Satisfacción personal
Keyword: Public health,
Health care,
Personal satisfaction,
Quality of care
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