Implementación del diagnóstico molecular del VPH: experiencia chilena en curso

Título del documento: Implementación del diagnóstico molecular del VPH: experiencia chilena en curso
Revista: Revista médica de Chile
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000449341
ISSN: 0034-9887
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Ministerio de Salud, Departamento de Manejo Integral de Cáncer y otros Tumores, Santiago de Chile. Chile
2Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Medicina, Santiago de Chile. Chile
3Ministerio de Salud, División de Atención Primaria, Santiago de Chile. Chile
4Fundación Nuestros Hijos, Santiago de Chile. Chile
Volumen: 149
Número: 9
Paginación: 1339-1346
País: Chile
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Aplicado, descriptivo
Resumen en inglés Cervical Cancer (CaCu) has a heterogeneous epidemiological behavior throughout the planet, depending on regional socioeconomic development level. Some developed countries predict a potential eradication of this cancer in the next 100 years, while in Chile it still constitutes a pending challenge. Incidence rates show a slow but sustained downward prob, however, mortality has continued to fluctuate between 500-600 cases per year. A few years ago, vaccination against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), the main causal agent for this tumor, was consolidated as a public policy, both in girls and in boys. However, the technological leap in the screening prob was pending, from cytology to molecular diagnosis of the agent (HPV). In this report, we update our most recent data (2018) regarding CaCu mortality, then review global guidelines and experiences in HPV screening. Finally, we offer an account of the strategies that our health system is promoting to address the screening of the disease and whose molecular approach generates the widest worldwide scientific consensus. We also recognize the main barriers and future challenges, which, if overcome, would allow us to be in line with the mandate of WHO to control this women’s health problema
Disciplinas: Medicina
Palabras clave: Oncología,
Ginecología y obstetricia,
Virus del papiloma humano,
Tamizaje masivo,
Diagnóstico molecular,
Neoplasia cervical
Keyword: Oncology,
Gynecology and obstetrics,
Human papillomavirus,
Mass screening,
Molecular diagnosis,
Cervical neoplasm
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