The usefulness of the "Teaching Knowledge Test" and its preparation course: A case study of test candidates in Tamaulipas

Título del documento: The usefulness of the "Teaching Knowledge Test" and its preparation course: A case study of test candidates in Tamaulipas
Revista: Revista lengua y cultura
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000586257
ISSN: 2683-2321
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas,
Volumen: 3
Número: 6
Paginación: 10-22
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
ELT in Mexico has gained crucial importance in recent years. Since 2009, the Mexican Ministry of Education has implemented English as a Foreign Language in the basic education curriculum. Universities around the country require their students´ a specific language proficiency to obtain their under and postgraduate degrees (UAT, 2006). Therefore, English teaching certifications become a matter of importance not just at a national level but at state levels. According to Coe & Delaney (2008), a certification helps an individual stand out in the crowded marketplace. It also signals to employers that a job candidate has the required skills to perform a specific job. Therefore, understanding EFL teachers´ experiences during the process of certification completion becomes vital. This multiple case study had the purpose of exploring the perspectives of three Mexican test candidates of the usefulness of the "Teaching Knowledge Test" (TKT) certification and its preparation course. Three interviews conducted at different stages of the study suggested that time was their main constraint and the practice of their English language skills was the main gain while preparing to take the TKT. This article will provide more insights on the study conducted, results obtained and the implications for the Mexican ELT community.
Resumen en inglés ELT in Mexico has gained crucial importance in recent years. Since 2009, the Mexican Ministry of Education has implemented English as a Foreign Language in the basic education curriculum. Universities around the country require their students´ a specific language proficiency to obtain their under and postgraduate degrees (UAT, 2006). Therefore, English teaching certifications become a matter of importance not just at a national level but at state levels. According to Coe & Delaney (2008), a certification helps an individual stand out in the crowded marketplace. It also signals to employers that a job candidate has the required skills to perform a specific job. Therefore, understanding EFL teachers´ experiences during the process of certification completion becomes vital. This multiple case study had the purpose of exploring the perspectives of three Mexican test candidates of the usefulness of the "Teaching Knowledge Test" (TKT) certification and its preparation course. Three interviews conducted at different stages of the study suggested that time was their main constraint and the practice of their English language skills was the main gain while preparing to take the TKT. This article will provide more insights on the study conducted, results obtained and the implications for the Mexican ELT community.
Resumen en español En años recientes, en México la enseñanza del ingles ha ganado  importancia crucial. En el 2009 la secretaría de educación pública de México ha implementado Inglés como lengua extranjera en el plan de estudios de educación básica. Las universidades en todo el país piden a sus estudiantes un nivel específico en cuanto al dominio del idioma inglés  para así poder obtener su título (UAT, 2006).  Por lo tanto las certificaciones de enseñanza del inglés se han vuelto de suma importancia no solo a nivel nacional sino a nivel estatal. De acuerdo con Coe & Delaney (2008) una certificación ayuda a una persona a destacarse en un mercado laboral muy competitivo. También es una señal para quienes dan empleo que un candidato tiene las habilidades necesarias para realizar un trabajo específico. Por lo que entender las experiencias de los maestros durante la realización de una certificación se vuelve vital. Este estudio de caso múltiple tiene el propósito de explorar las perspectivas de tres candidatos mexicanos en cuanto a la utilidad del Teaching Knowledge Test, su certificación y el curso de preparación. Tres entrevistas fueron conducidas en diferentes etapas del estudio las cuales sugieren que el tiempo es el mayor obstáculo y la práctica de sus habilidades en el idioma inglés su mayor beneficio mientras se preparan para tomar el TKT. Este artículo proporcionará más detalles del estudio conducido, resultados obtenidos y las implicaciones para la comunidad mexicana de enseñanza del inglés.
Palabras clave: Certificación de enseñanza de inglés,
perspectivas de maestros de inglés,
Teaching Knowledge Test
Keyword: LaLanguage Teacher Certification,
Language Teacher perspectives,
Teaching Knowledge Test
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