Supplemental protease improves in vitro disappearance of dry matter and crude protein in feather meal and copra meal for pigs

Título del documento: Supplemental protease improves in vitro disappearance of dry matter and crude protein in feather meal and copra meal for pigs
Revista: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000445569
ISSN: 1516-3598
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Konkuk University, Department of Animal Science and Technology, Seúl. Corea del Sur
2Konkuk University, Monogastric Animal Feed Research Institute, Seúl. Corea del Sur
Volumen: 49
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Experimental, analítico
Resumen en inglés The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of supplemental protease on in vitro disappearance of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) in feed ingredients for pigs. The test ingredients were three sources of feather meal (FM 1, FM 2, and FM 3), meat and bone meal, soybean meal, corn dried distillers grains with solubles, copra meal (CM), palm kernel meal, wheat, and corn. In experiment 1, in vitro ileal disappearance (IVID) of DM and CP were determined to represent the digestion and absorption of the stomach and small intestine of pigs. In experiment 2, in vitro total tract disappearance (IVTTD) of DM was determined to represent the digestion and absorption of the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine of pigs. The control group had 99% of a test ingredient and 1% of wheat bran. Protease originating from Bacillus spp. was supplemented to the control diet at the expense of wheat bran to make a treatment group (100,000 U/kg of sample). Protease supplementation increased the IVID of DM in FM 1 (39.8 vs. 37.5%) and CM (45.0 vs. 42.2%). In the protease supplementation group, the IVID of CP also increased in FM 1 (48.0 vs. 43.8%) and CM (85.3 vs. 77.5%). The supplemental protease increased the IVTTD of DM in FM 1 (43.9 vs. 42.1%), FM 3 (55.6 vs. 52.7%), and meat and bone meal (85.9 vs. 84.3%). Therefore, nutrient utilization of FM and CM can be improved by supplemental protease originating from Bacillus spp. based on in vitro assays
Disciplinas: Medicina veterinaria y zootecnia
Palabras clave: Nutrición animal,
Suplementación alimenticia,
Digestibilidad in vitro
Keyword: Animal nutrition,
In vitro digestibility,
Food supplementation
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