El tratamiento penal de la delincuencia juvenil: el cuestionable statu quo del legislador penal camerunes

Título del documento: El tratamiento penal de la delincuencia juvenil: el cuestionable statu quo del legislador penal camerunes
Revista: Misión jurídica
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000502464
ISSN: 2661-9067
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1University of Yaoundé II, Yaundé. Camerún
Periodo: Ene-Jun
Volumen: 12
Número: 16
Paginación: 97-112
País: Colombia
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en español Existe un anacronismo entre las disposiciones del artículo 80 del Código Penal y la evolución actual de la delincuencia de menores. Estos cambios   de   mentalidad   y   comportamiento   de los menores son a menudo inspirados o amplificados por las tecnologías de la información y comunicación
Resumen en inglés The revision works done through Law N° 2016/007 were developed because of the necessity to adapt normativity to social changes and to assure balance between  efficiency  and  the safeguarding of individual rights. In the light of world evolution, the needs and demands of society require a modernized, accurate, consistent and simple Criminal Law, however the changes made to the Law are limited. We can deplore the fact that article 80 regarding underage status has not been included in therevision of the legislation. It is convenient and even common to affirm that youth criminality, very often results in a debate in a negative sense where judgments are not being confronted with the truth. If juvenile delinquency is not a new phenomenon the current situation is really disturbing because it has become massive, is more violent and involves younger minors. Juvenile delinquents often have frail, scantily built personalities: "delinquency because of absence of being". Its victims are, in most cases, minors themselves. Justice gives "answers" to youth criminality, but these make no sense since it takes action too late and also because education and penalty are dissociated. Nevertheless, our legislative arsenal is not  nil  to  punish  minors  or to whom use them to exercise pressure on parents who do not assume their authority. But, as well as in other matters, rules do not seem to have been elaborated to be used because each person chooses from the law what he or she finds acceptable according to his or her understandings. There is an anachronism between the dispositions of the article 80 of the Criminal Code and the current evolution of juvenile delinquency. These  changes   of   mentality   and   behaviour   of minors are often inspired or amplified by information and communication technologies
Disciplinas: Derecho
Palabras clave: Derecho penal,
Delincuencia juvenil,
Derecho penal juvenil,
Jurisdicción juvenil,
Rango de edad,
Sanciones escolares
Keyword: Criminal law,
Young people,
Juvenile delinquency,
Juvenile criminal law,
Juvenile jurisdiction,
Educational sanctions,
Juvenile criminal law
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