Effect of exposure time vs. irradiance on knoop hardness of dental composites

Título del documento: Effect of exposure time vs. irradiance on knoop hardness of dental composites
Revista: Materials research
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000312951
ISSN: 1516-1439
Autores: 1

Instituciones: 1Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Escola de Odontologia, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo. Brasil
Periodo: Jul-Sep
Volumen: 9
Número: 3
Paginación: 275-280
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Nota breve o noticia
Enfoque: Experimental
Resumen en inglés A comparison was made of the hardness of Z250 and Esthet-X composites light cured with different light sources. Cavities (3 mm diameter x 6 mm deep) were prepared in 240 bovine incisors. The composite was bulk inserted and light-cured using halogen light, LED or xenon plasma arc (PAC) with different irradiances and exposure times, maintaining the same energy density. The specimens were stored in an incubator at 37 °C for 24 hours prior to sectioning for hardness measurements. Three measurements were taken at each depth: surface, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mm. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found for LED up to 2 mm, for PAC up to 3 mm, and for halogen light up to 5 mm. Photoactivation with intermediate power density and exposure time resulted in the highest Knoop hardness values
Disciplinas: Ingeniería,
Palabras clave: Ingeniería de materiales,
Química de polímeros,
Resinas compuestas,
Propiedades mecánicas,
Keyword: Engineering,
Materials engineering,
Polymer chemistry,
Composite resins,
Mechanical properties,
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