Mobile Application as a legal and informative support tool for the active population of Ecuador

Título del documento: Mobile Application as a legal and informative support tool for the active population of Ecuador
Revista: Latin-American Journal of Computing (LAJC)
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000565122
ISSN: 1390-9134
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, Ibarra,
2Universidad Nacional de Educación,
3Universidad Eloy Alfaro de Manabí,
Volumen: 6
Número: 2
Paginación: 17-22
País: Ecuador
Idioma: Inglés
Resumen en inglés The purpose of this study was to design a mobile application as legal and informative resource aimed at an Active Population—employed and in search of employment—in Ecuador. A quantitative research method was used with the Feasible Project, which complement with the "Development of Mobile Apps. First, the model was obtained through the National Statistics and Census Department (INEC, 2018) and by the Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment National Survey— (ENEMDU, 2019). Second, data was gathered through a documental technique—a method consisting of empirical levels. In addition, data sheets were used as tools, while the Content Analysis enabled data interpretation. The technical diagnosis revealed that the Active Population faces unemployment and underemployment serious issues affecting the country"s productive stability in addition to decreasing the likeliness of promotion in the latter of opportunities in society. A mobile app has been designed as a tool containing legal and informative content to enable access to rules and regulations governing labor and information of productive processes. In order to accomplish the making of this app, agile methods, SCRUM work frame and a CMMI model. Furthermore, analyses requirement, conceptualization and assessment prototypes were established.
Keyword: labor market,
rules and regulations,
Active population,
mobile app
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