Gas agent release simulations using CFD

Título del documento: Gas agent release simulations using CFD
Revista: Latin American applied research
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000372234
ISSN: 0327-0793
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Secao de Engenharia Quimica, Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
2Universidade de Sao Paulo, Departamento de Engenharia Quimica, Sao Paulo. Brasil
Volumen: 43
Número: 2
Paginación: 199-204
País: Argentina
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Experimental, aplicado
Resumen en inglés The answer to chemical and biological attacks relies on the ability to monitor and detect the presence of an agent. The aim of this study is to verify the efficacy of a subway smoke extraction system that contains a toxic gas contamination area. A Brazilian subway station located in Rio de Janeiro was selected as a model scenario. Three case studies were examined that activated the SES in exhaustion and ventilation modes. The visualization of the velocity fields and toxic gas concentration profiles showed that when the SES was activated in the extraction mode, it took a few minutes for all of the gas to be taken into the galleries. When the SES was activated in the ventilation mode, the contaminated air was directly disposed into the atmosphere. Therefore, our results show that CFD can be used to propose a contingency plan using the subways’ ventilation equipment
Disciplinas: Química,
Palabras clave: Ingeniería química,
Armas químicas,
Dispersión de gases,
Dinámica de fluidos
Keyword: Chemistry,
Chemical engineering,
Chemical weapons,
Gas dispersal,
Fluid dynamics
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