Revista: | Journal of technology management & innovation |
Base de datos: | CLASE |
Número de sistema: | 000406391 |
ISSN: | 0718-2724 |
Autores: | Corvello, Vincenzo1 Iazzolino, Gianpaolo1 |
Instituciones: | 1Universita della Calabria, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Ingegneria Energetica e di Gestione, Arcavacata, Cosenza. Italia |
Año: | 2013 |
Volumen: | 8 |
Número: | 2 |
Paginación: | 166-177 |
País: | Chile |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Enfoque: | Analítico, descriptivo |
Resumen en inglés | In Broadcast Search (BS) an organization discloses the details of a problem to a community of potential solvers. An online intermediary often manages the process. This study investigates the problem solving practices of solvers. In particular it focuses on the intermediation services and knowledge sources thy use during BS. A questionnaire was distributed to successful solvers. Ninety-three complete questionnaires were returned. The results show that intermediation services can be divided in 3 categories: managing interfaces, supporting collaboration and supporting problem solving. Similarly the sources of knowledge can be divided in: institutional, social and output-oriented sources. The results also show that differences in solver's use of intermediation services and knowledge sources can be explained taking into account solvers' experience, organizational context as well as the nature of the proposed solution |
Disciplinas: | Administración y contaduría |
Palabras clave: | Historia y teorías de la administración y la contaduría, Administración de instituciones, Empresas, Innovación, Solución de problemas, Comunidades en red, Modelo organizacional, Conocimiento social, Redes de conocimiento |
Texto completo: | Texto completo (Ver HTML) |