Financial stability, competition and efficiency in latin american and caribbean banking

Título del documento: Financial stability, competition and efficiency in latin american and caribbean banking
Revista: Journal of applied economics
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000430454
ISSN: 1667-6726
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir. Turquía
2Banco Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Distrito Federal. Venezuela
Periodo: Nov
Volumen: 17
Número: 2
Paginación: 301-324
País: Argentina
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Aplicado
Resumen en inglés Using a sample of 272 commercial banks from fifteen Latin American countries for the period 2001-2008, we estimate cost and revenue efficiency scores, financial stability scores (Z-scores) and competition scores (Lerner indexes and Boone indicators) at the bank level. The Granger causality technique in dynamic panels is used to establish dynamic relationships among these variables. We find evidence that strongly supports the “quite life” hypothesis, while we also find partial support for causality running in the opposite direction. Moreover, the results suggest that more competition is conducive to greater financial stability (when the revenue efficiency score is used). Banks seem to achieve market power through better efficiency, leverage and earning ability. As size and complexity increase, however, agency problems and increasing risk-taking might start gaining momentum, generating inefficiency and fragility
Disciplinas: Economía
Palabras clave: Banca,
Economía descriptiva,
Condiciones económicas,
Banca comercial,
Eficiencia económica,
Estabilidad financiera,
Competencia económica,
América Latina,
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