Clustering as an EDA method: the case of pedestrian directional flow behavior

Título del documento: Clustering as an EDA method: the case of pedestrian directional flow behavior
Revista: International journal of psychological research
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000355290
ISSN: 2011-2084
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Ateneo de Manila, Ciudad Quezón. Filipinas
Periodo: Ene-Jun
Volumen: 3
Número: 1
Paginación: 23-36
País: Colombia
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico
Resumen en inglés Given the data of pedestrian trajectories in NTXY format, three clustering methods of K Means, Expectation Maximization (EM) and Affinity Propagation were utilized as Exploratory Data Analysis to find the pattern of pedestrian directional flow behavior. The analysis begins without a prior notion regarding the structure of the pattern and it consequentially infers the structure of directional flow pattern. Significant similarities in patterns for both individual and instantaneous walking angles based on EDA method are reported and explained in case studies
Disciplinas: Psicología
Palabras clave: Psicología experimental,
Análisis de datos,
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