Gestão, uso e educação patrimonial: patrimônio de quem e para quem? Heritage education, management and use: who from heritage and for whom?

Título del documento: Gestão, uso e educação patrimonial: patrimônio de quem e para quem? Heritage education, management and use: who from heritage and for whom?
Revista: Elisee : Revista de geografia da UEG
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000594771
ISSN: 2316-4360
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Montes Claros, Minas Gerais. Brasil
2Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Brasil
Volumen: 12
Número: 1
Paginación: 121233-121233
País: Brasil
Idioma: Portugués
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés This article aims to highlight the importance of the use and management of cultural heritage and the urgency of the implementation of a more efficient and assertive heritage education. To this end, it was used as methodology: bibliographic reworking dealing mainly with the following topics: memory, heritage and education. We can observe that there is a need for dialogue and joint (de)construction between governments, agencies, institutes, departments, superintendencies, secretariats, councils and other organisms that are responsible for preserving the Cultural Heritage in partnership with civil society, based on a project of policies for identification, recognition, protection and promotion of the heritage in such a way as to promote it, providing protection and promotion of the heritage in order to embrace the variety of identities and peoples as well as enabling the subject-citizen to read the world around him/her, leading him/her to understand the sociocultural universe and the historical-temporal trajectory in which he/she is inserted in a broader (socially discussed in the school and community context), critical, and propositional way.
Resumen en español Le présent article vise souligner l'importance de l'utilisation et de la gestion du patrimoine culturel et l'urgence du développement, avec plus d'efficacité et d'affirmation, de programmes de éducation au patrimoine.. cette fin, il a été utilisé comme méthodologie la procédure de reprise de la bibliographie traitant principalement des sujets suivants: mémoire, patrimoine et éducation. On a observé que cest nécessaire d'instaurer un dialogue et une (dé)construction conjointe entre les gouvernements, les agences, les instituts, les départements, les surintendances, les secrétariats, les conseils et autres organismes qui sont responsables pour la préservation du patrimoine culturel en partenariat avec la société civile, sur la base d'un projet politique pour l'identification, la reconnaissance, la protection et la promotion du patrimoine, afin d'assurer sa préservation, protection et promotion afin d'embrasser la variété des identités et des peuples, permettant au sujet-citoyen de lire le monde qui l'entoure ainsi que l'amenant comprendre l'univers socioculturel et la trajectoire historico-temporelle dans laquelle il s'insère de manière plus large (socialement débattu dans le contexte scolaire et communautaire), critique et propositionnelle.
Resumen en portugués O presente artigo tem como objetivo destacar a importância do uso e gestão dos patrimônios culturais e a urgência do desenvolvimento, com maiores eficiência e assertividade, de programas de educação patrimonial. Para tanto, utilizou-se como metodologia: retrabalhamento bibliográfico tratando, principalmente, dos seguintes temas: memória, patrimônio e educação. Percebe-se a necessidade do diálogo e (des)construção conjunta dos governos, órgãos, institutos, departamentos, superintendências, secretarias, conselhos e afins que respondem pela preservação do Patrimônio Cultural em parceria com a sociedade civil, pautados em um projeto de políticas de identificação, reconhecimento, proteção e promoção do patrimônio de maneira a abarcar a variedade de identidades e povos, possibilitando ao sujeito-cidadão fazer a leitura do mundo que o rodeia para levá-lo compreensão do universo sociocultural e da trajetória histórico-temporal em que está inserido de forma mais ampla (socialmente debatida no contexto escolar e da comunidade), e também, crítica e propositiva.Heritage education, management and use: who from heritage and for whom?Abstract: This article aims to highlight the importance of the use and management of cultural heritage and the urgency of the implementation of a more efficient and assertive heritage education. To this end, it was used as methodology: bibliographic reworking dealing mainly with the following topics: memory, heritage and education. We can observe that there is a need for dialogue and joint (de)construction between governments, agencies, institutes, departments, superintendencies, secretariats, councils and other organisms that are responsible for preserving the Cultural Heritage in partnership with civil society, based on a project of policies for identification, recognition, protection and promotion of the heritage in such a way as to promote it, providing protection and promotion of the heritage in order to embrace the variety of identities and peoples as well as enabling the subject-citizen to read the world around him/her, leading him/her to understand the sociocultural universe and the historical-temporal trajectory in which he/she is inserted in a broader (socially discussed in the school and community context), critical, and propositional way.Keywords: Heritage. Memory. Identity. Education. Society.Gestión, uso y educación patrimonial: ¿el patrimonio de quién y para quién?Resumen: Este artículo pretende destacar la importancia del uso y gestión del patrimonio cultural y la urgencia de desarrollar, con mayor eficacia y asertividad, programas de educación patrimonial. Para ello, la metodología utilizada ha sido una reelaboración bibliográfica que ha tratado principalmente los siguientes temas: memoria, patrimonio y educación. Es necesario el diálogo y la (de)construcción conjunta entre gobiernos, agencias, institutos, departamentos, superintendencias, secretarías, consejos y similares, responsables de la preservación del Patrimonio Cultural en colaboración con la sociedad civil, a partir de un proyecto de política de identificación, reconocimiento, protección y promoción del patrimonio de forma que se potencie, protección y promoción del patrimonio para abarcar la variedad de identidades y pueblos, permitiendo al sujeto-ciudadano leer el mundo que lo rodea para llevarlo a comprender el universo sociocultural y la trayectoria histórico-temporal en la que está inserto de manera más amplia (socialmente discutida en el contexto de la escuela y la comunidad), y también crítica y propositiva.Palabras clave: Patrimonio. La memoria. La identidad. Identidad. Educación. La sociedad.
Disciplinas: Geografía
Palabras clave: Geografía humana
Keyword: Human geography
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