A Logical Interpretation of Silence

Título del documento: A Logical Interpretation of Silence
Revista: Computación y sistemas
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000560505
ISSN: 1405-5546
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Óptica y Electrónica, Tonantzintla, Puebla. México
Periodo: Abr-Jun
Volumen: 24
Número: 2
Paginación: 607-617
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés In human communication process, we often face situations where decisions have to be made, regardless of silence of one of the interlocutors. That is, we have to decide from incomplete information, guessing the knowledge or intentions of the silent person. This behaviour has been studied by several disciplines but barely touched in logic or artificial intelligence. After reviewing some previous studies of silence and conversational implicature of Grice, we focus on a puzzle formerly expressed and solved in Answer Set Programming, to analyze the implications of two different interpretations of silence (Defensive and Acquiescent Silence), in terms of the Says() predicate. Several conclusions are derived from the different possibilities that opened for analysis. In addition, a general strategy for analysis of problems involving testimonies and silence is proposed.
Disciplinas: Ciencias de la computación
Palabras clave: Procesamiento de datos
Keyword: Silence,
Speech acts,
Says predicate,
Says graph,
Answer set programming,
Data processing
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