The role of autolysis loop in determining the specificity of coagulation proteases

Título del documento: The role of autolysis loop in determining the specificity of coagulation proteases
Revista: Brazilian journal of medical and biological research
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000351223
ISSN: 0100-879X
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Saint Louis University, School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Misuri. Estados Unidos de América
Periodo: Ago
Volumen: 40
Número: 8
Paginación: 1055-1064
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Experimental, aplicado
Resumen en inglés We recently demonstrated that the substitution of the autolysis loop (residues 143 to 154 in the chymotrypsin numbering system) of activated protein C (APC) with the corresponding loop of factor Xa (fXa) renders the APC mutant (APC/fX143-154) susceptible to inhibition by antithrombin (AT) in the presence of pentasaccharide. Our recent results further indicated, that in addition to an improvement in the reactivity of APC/fX143-154 with AT, both the amidolytic and anti-factor Va activities of the mutant APC have also been significantly increased. Since the autolysis loop of APC is five residues longer than the autolysis loop of fXa, it could not be ascertained whether this loop in the mutant APC specifically interacts with the activated conformation of AT or if a shorter autolysis loop is responsible for a global improvement in the catalytic activity of the mutant protease. To answer this question, we prepared another APC mutant in which the autolysis loop of the protease was replaced with the corresponding loop of trypsin (APC/Tryp143-154). Unlike an ~500-fold improvement in the reactivity of APC/fX143-154 with AT in the presence of pentasaccharide, the reactivity of APC/Tryp143-154 with the serpin was improved ~10-fold. These results suggest that both the length and structure of residues of the autolysis loop are critical for the specificity of the coagulation protease interaction with AT. Further factor Va inactivation studies with the APC mutants revealed a similar role for the autolysis loop of APC in the interaction with its natural substrate
Disciplinas: Biología
Palabras clave: Biología celular,
Proteína C activada,
Keyword: Biology,
Cell biology,
Activated protein C,
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