Operational cost minimization in cooling water systems

Título del documento: Operational cost minimization in cooling water systems
Revista: Brazilian journal of chemical engineering
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000308665
ISSN: 0104-6632
Autores: 1

Instituciones: 1Universidade de Sao Paulo, Departamento de Engenharia Quimica, Sao Paulo. Brasil
Periodo: Dic
Volumen: 17
Número: 4-7
Paginación: 649-658
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Experimental, aplicado
Resumen en inglés In this work, an optimization model that considers thermal and hydraulic interactions is developed for a cooling water system. It is a closed loop consisting of a cooling tower unit, circulation pump, blower and heat exchanger-pipe network. Aside from process disturbances, climatic fluctuations are considered. Model constraints include relations concerning tower performance, air flowrate requirement, make-up flowrate, circulating pump performance, heat load in each cooler, pressure drop constraints and climatic conditions. The objective function is operating cost minimization. Optimization variables are air flowrate, forced water withdrawal upstream the tower, and valve adjustment in each branch. It is found that the most significant operating cost is related to electricity. However, for cooled water temperatures lower than a specific target, there must be a forced withdrawal of circulating water and further makeup to enhance the cooling tower capacity. Additionally, the system is optimized along the months. The results corroborate the fact that the most important variable on cooling tower performance is not the air temperature itself, but its humidity
Disciplinas: Química,
Palabras clave: Ingeniería industrial,
Ingeniería química,
Sistemas de enfriamiento de agua,
Torres de enfriamiento,
Optimización no lineal,
Redes de enfriamiento
Keyword: Chemistry,
Chemical engineering,
Industrial engineering,
Cooling water systems,
Cooling towers,
Nonlinear optimization,
Cooler networks
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