Morphological Plasticity and Gas Exchange of Ligustrum lucidumW.T. Aiton in Distinct Light Conditions

Título del documento: Morphological Plasticity and Gas Exchange of Ligustrum lucidumW.T. Aiton in Distinct Light Conditions
Revista: Brazilian archives of biology and technology
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000392837
ISSN: 1516-8913
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidade Federal do Parana, Departamento de Botanica, Curitiba, Parana. Brasil
Periodo: Nov-Dic
Volumen: 58
Número: 6
Paginación: 877-885
País: Brasil
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, descriptivo
Resumen en inglés The objective of this study was to understand the different morpho-physiological strategies of Ligustrum lucidum, an invasive species occurring in Brazilian forest fragments under heterogeneous light conditions. Ten individuals of L. lucidum were selected and evaluated for morphological of the leaves and physiological traits. For morphological parameters were evaluated: length, width, area, angle, petiole length, dried mass, total thickness, palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma thickness, abaxial and adaxial epiderm is thickness, stomata density, leaf density and specific leaf area. The physiological traits were vapor - pressure deficit, assimilation rate, CO 2 sub - stomata concentration, intrinsic water - use efficiency, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance. All the physiological variables and most morphological variables presented significant differences between light conditions. Phenotypic plasticity indexes were not high as expected. However, phenotypic integration among the morphological and physiological attribu tes appeared to explain better these results, as observed on the relationship among assimilation rates, palisade parenchyma thickness and SLA. Phenotypic integration could increase the species adaptive responses efficiency, making it more competitive to occupy and to establish in new niches
Disciplinas: Biología
Palabras clave: Botánica,
Fisiología vegetal,
Ligustrum lucidum,
Plantas invasoras,
Intercambio gaseoso,
Keyword: Biology,
Plant physiology,
Ligustrum lucidum,
Invasive plants,
Gas exchange,
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