Contribución cultural de la agricultura urbana

Título del documento: Contribución cultural de la agricultura urbana
Revista: Agroecosistemas
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000419175
ISSN: 2415-2862
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Guayaquil, Guayas. Ecuador
2Universidad de Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez", Cienfuegos. Cuba
Periodo: Jul-Dic
Volumen: 5
Número: 2
Paginación: 91-100
País: Cuba
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Experimental, aplicado
Resumen en español Se valora la contribución cultural de la agricultura urbana como fenómeno global que se expande des-de la segunda mitad del siglo XX si bien posee una trayectoria histórica más antigua. Su universalidad se aprecia en naciones industrializadas y de eco-nomías emergentes, al norte y al sur de los hemisfe-rios, signada por la tendencia de enfrentar peligros ecológicos o alimentarios muy correlacionados. Sus aportes se destacan tanto en la cultura material como espiritual asociada a los procesos productivos agrarios y agropecuarios en general. La experien-cia cubana vista desde lo examinado en Cienfuegos confirma lo establecido en la literatura internacional y destacan contribuciones esenciales que son im-prescindibles estudiar y socializar como condición para los empeños de la sociedad cubana frente a las metas del 2030. ABSTRACTThe cultural contribution of the urban agriculture is valued as a global phenomenon that is expanded from the second half of the XX century although it possesses an older historical trajectory. Their univer-sality is appreciated in industrialized nations and of emergent economies, to the north and the south of the hemispheres, signed for the tendency of facing a much correlated ecological or alimentary danger. Their contributions stand out in the culture as spi-ritual material associated to the agrarian and agri-cultural productive processes in general. The Cuban experience seen from that examined in Cienfuegos confirms that settled down in the international litera-ture and they highlight essential taxes that are indis-pensable to study and to socialize as condition for the pledge of the Cuban society facing the goals of the 2030
Resumen en inglés The cultural contribution of the urban agriculture is valued as a global phenomenon that is expanded from the second half of the XX century although it possesses an older historical trajectory. Their univer-sality is appreciated in industrialized nations and of emergent economies, to the north and the south of the hemispheres, signed for the tendency of facing a much correlated ecological or alimentary danger. Their contributions stand out in the culture as spi-ritual material associated to the agrarian and agri-cultural productive processes in general. The Cuban experience seen from that examined in Cienfuegos confirms that settled down in the international litera-ture and they highlight essential taxes that are indis-pensable to study and to socialize as condition for the pledge of the Cuban society facing the goals of the 2030
Disciplinas: Agrociencias,
Palabras clave: Ecología,
Agricultura urbana,
Desarrollo sustentable,
Keyword: Ecology,
Crop husbandry,
Urban agriculture,
Sustainable development,
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