The non-relativistic treatment of heavy tetraquark masses in the logarithmic quark potential

Título del documento: The non-relativistic treatment of heavy tetraquark masses in the logarithmic quark potential
Revista: Revista mexicana de física
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000460542
ISSN: 0035-001X
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Menoufia University, Faculty of Science, Menufiya. Egipto
2Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Science, El Cairo. Egipto
3Suez Canal University, Faculty of Science, Ismailia. Egipto
Periodo: Nov-Dic
Volumen: 68
Número: 6
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, teórico
Resumen en inglés Absract In the non-relativistic quark model, the interaction potential for the tetraquark is proposed which involves the logarithmic, linear, harmonic, and spin-spin interaction potentials. Analytically, the non-relativistic Bethe-Salpeter equation is solved, with diquark-antidiquark configurations taken into account. This work is compared to other recent works. Our results of the heavy tetraquark may provide useful information for future experimental data
Disciplinas: Física y astronomía
Palabras clave: Física de altas energías,
No relativista,
Modelo de quark: diquark-antidiquark,
Keyword: High energy physics,
Quark model: diquark-antidiquark,
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