Language teachers in synchronous and asynchronous online teaching: A student"s perspective

Título del documento: Language teachers in synchronous and asynchronous online teaching: A student"s perspective
Revista: Revista lengua y cultura
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000586296
ISSN: 2683-2321
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Veracruzana,
Volumen: 4
Número: 8
Paginación: 26-33
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
COVID-19 fostered education to adapt from face-to-face to synchronous and asynchronous classes so that teachers and students had to migrate to a new way of teaching and learning. There was a period of adjustment (the first three weeks of online learning) for both, teachers and learners; the support provided by teachers differed from this period of adjustment to the support provided after. The perspective that students had about how much a teacher helped or how important was his or her companionship changed. This study was conducted at the Language Center Orizaba that is part of a public university in Mexico named Universidad Veracruzana; in a group of 53 participants in A2 level of English in 2020. Participants answered two questionnaires, one during the period of adjustment from face-to-face classes to synchronous and asynchronous lessons and a second questionnaire at the end of the semester. They started the semester having face-to-face classes so they did not have previous experience in taking online classes. The data collected with both questionnaires were analyzed and categorized; results showed that students need the support of a teacher to tell them how well they are doing and to promote interaction and learning. Moreover, students got strategies that are used in autonomous learning which made them to be more aware about their learning,
Resumen en inglés COVID-19 fostered education to adapt from face-to-face to synchronous and asynchronous classes so that teachers and students had to migrate to a new way of teaching and learning. There was a period of adjustment (the first three weeks of online learning) for both, teachers and learners; the support provided by teachers differed from this period of adjustment to the support provided after. The perspective that students had about how much a teacher helped or how important was his or her companionship changed. This study was conducted at the Language Center Orizaba that is part of a public university in Mexico named Universidad Veracruzana; in a group of 53 participants in A2 level of English in 2020. Participants answered two questionnaires, one during the period of adjustment from face-to-face classes to synchronous and asynchronous lessons and a second questionnaire at the end of the semester. They started the semester having face-to-face classes so they did not have previous experience in taking online classes. The data collected with both questionnaires were analyzed and categorized; results showed that students need the support of a teacher to tell them how well they are doing and to promote interaction and learning. Moreover, students got strategies that are used in autonomous learning which made them to be more aware about their learning,
Resumen en español COVID-19 obligó que la educación se adaptara de clases presenciales a clases sincrónicas y asincrónicas por lo que los estudiantes y profesores tuvieron que migrar a una nueva manera de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Hubo un periodo de adaptación (comprendido en las tres primeras semanas de aprendizaje en línea) para ambos, maestros y estudiantes; el apoyo brindado por los maestros cambió desde el periodo de ajuste al que se brindó posteriormente. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Idiomas Orizaba que es parte de una universidad pública en México llamada Universidad Veracruzana; en n grupo de 53 participantes con un nivel A2 de inglés en 2020. Los participantes contestaron dos cuestionarios, uno durante el periodo de adaptación de clases presenciales a clases síncronas y asíncronas y un segundo cuestionario aplicado al final de semestre. Ellos empezaron el semestre con clases presenciales por lo que no contaban con experiencia previa en clases en línea. La información obtenida de los cuestionarios se analizó y categorizó; los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes requieren apoyo del maestro para decirles si lo están haciendo bien y para promover la interacción y aprendizaje. Además, los estudiantes adoptaron estrategias que son usadas en aprendizaje autónomo que les permitió estar más conscientes de su aprendizaje.
Palabras clave: Apoyo docente,
acompañamiento docente,
Keyword: Teacher’s support,
teacher’s companionship,
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