Model of Social Representation of competencies in Information and Communication Technologies in teachers of the Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt.

Título del documento: Model of Social Representation of competencies in Information and Communication Technologies in teachers of the Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt.
Revista: Revista INVECOM
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000533098
ISSN: 2739-0063
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Nacional Experimental "Rafael María Baralt",
Volumen: 2
Número: 1
Paginación: 150-164
País: Venezuela
Idioma: Español
Resumen en español A new way of social life has emerged from the technological world of the Internet, where there is a confusion of values generated by this electronic culture, having as an alternative the Science - Technology - Society (STS) approach that seeks to concentrate its proposals on the constructive valuation of science and technology by virtue of Social Representation. Faced with this reality, Information and Communication Technologies have come to contribute a new added value to the knowledge society, for this reason, human beings have seen the web as the most viable alternative to facilitate interpersonal relationships and communications worldwide. This raises the interest in designing a model of Social Representation of competences in Information and Communication Technologies applied to teachers working at the Universidad Nacional Experimental "Rafael María Baralt", based on the post-positivist paradigm, as well as the implications that this particular modality of use of knowledge has on their teaching work. Finally, the aim is to provide a tool that allows to know the Social Representation, which is constructed on the basis of the perception of the lived experience; the reflection of the normative; the knowledge, values and circulating information about ICT in the institutions.
Palabras clave: Information and Communication Technologies,
Social Representation,
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