San catequilla de Pichichincha: lightning Huacas, ancient astronomy and Inca expansion

Título del documento: San catequilla de Pichichincha: lightning Huacas, ancient astronomy and Inca expansion
Revista: Revista de arqueología americana
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000482846
ISSN: 0188-3631
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Field Museum of Natural Histoy, Chicago, Illinois. Estados Unidos de América
Número: 35
Paginación: 87-127
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Descriptivo
Resumen en español La santificación del mundo natural y los conceptos y creencias que rodean loslugares sagrados ohuacas son antiguos en los Andes. Los estudiosos hanenfatizado la importancia de los cultos religiosos para la propagación tempranade t ecnologías antiguas, la etnogénesis o los horizontes culturales y laaparición de distintos tipos de huacas y centros ceremoniales. Una de lashuacasmás importantes asociadas con la expansión inca fue Sa
Resumen en inglés The sanctification of the natural world and concepts and beliefs surrounding the sacred places or huacas are ancient in the Andes. Scholars have emphasized the importance of religious cults to the early spread of ancient technologies, ethnogenesis or cultural horizons, and appearance of distinct kinds of huacasand ceremonial centers. One of the most important huacas associated with Inca expansion was Sant Catequilla de Pichincha situated on a on a clifftop in the Pomasqui Valley of northern highland Ecuador. Its importance is related to its cosmological and symbolic associations to the Catequil religious cult to lightning (Illapa). It is the only known Inca huacato be located directly under the equator at precisely 0°0’02” South Latitude. Locations with toponyms of Catequil or Catequilla in Colonial Peru and Ecuador are generally sacred places located high hills or cliffs and where natural springs occur which have stone platforms and pillars or gnomes. Research presented here represents an analysis of the astronomical functions of the circular and rectangular stone platforms at this site and how they relate to the surrounding landscape with regard to calculating solar and lunar cycles. Spanish chroniclers stated the platform at San Catequilla was given ritual offerings and highly venerated by indigenous communities during the Late Horizon and early Colonial Period because of its association to lightning and importance to the reckoning of astronomical cycles
Disciplinas: Antropología
Palabras clave: Arqueología,
Etnología y antropología social,
Historia de la cultura,
Centros ceremoniales,
Ciclo lunar
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