Ensuring Rights of Victims Under the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine: Current Issues and Prospects

Título del documento: Ensuring Rights of Victims Under the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine: Current Issues and Prospects
Revista: Precedente (Cali)
Base de datos:
Número de sistema: 000531377
ISSN: 2805-993X
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1National University, Law Department, Kiev. Ucrania
Volumen: 22
Paginación: 115-141
País: Colombia
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Resumen en inglés Legal regulation and practical issues of ensuring of rights of victims under the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine are considered in the article. The criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine lacks legal regulation of the mandatory participation of a lawyer representing the victim in criminal proceedings. This situation puts the participants of proceedings in an unequal position. Victims during the trial and in court are unable to properly defend their legitimate interests due to lack of legal awareness. The authors also state that the participation of the victim"s representative in the conclusion of the conciliation agreement should be mandatory. The cases in which victims can receive free legal aid have been analyzed. It is proposed to define the cases of mandatory participation of the representative of victims in the current legislation of Ukraine.
Resumen en español Legal regulation and practical issues of ensuring of rights of victims under the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine are considered in the article. The criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine lacks legal regulation of the mandatory participation of a lawyer representing the victim in criminal proceedings. This situation puts the participants of proceedings in an unequal position. Victims during the trial and in court are unable to properly defend their legitimate interests due to lack of legal awareness. The authors also state that the participation of the victim"s representative in the conclusion of the conciliation agreement should be mandatory. The cases in which victims can receive free legal aid have been analyzed. It is proposed to define the cases of mandatory participation of the representative of victims in the current legislation of Ukraine.
Resumen en portugués A regulamentação legal e questões práticas de garantia dos direitos das vítimas sob o Código de Processo Penal da Ucrânia são consideradas no artigo. A legislação processual penal da Ucrânia carece de regulamentação legal da participação obrigatória de um advogado que representa a vítima em processo penal. Tal situação coloca os participantes do processo em posição desigual. As vítimas durante o julgamento e em tribunal não conseguem defender devidamente os seus legítimos interesses por falta de consciência jurídica. Os autores também afirmam que a participação do representante da vítima na celebração do acordo de conciliação deve ser obrigatória. Foram analisados os casos em que as vítimas podem receber assistência jurídica gratuita. Propõe-se definir os casos de participação obrigatória do representante das vítimas na atual legislação da Ucrânia.
Disciplinas: Derecho
Palabras clave: Victim,
Legal Representative,
Free Legal Aid,
Rights of Victims,
Conciliation Agreement,
Criminal Proceedings,
Derecho penal
Keyword: Victim,
Legal Representative,
Free Legal Aid,
Rights of Victims,
Conciliation Agreement,
Criminal Proceedings,
Criminal law
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