An Approach towards Semi-automated Biomedical Literature Curation and Enrichment for a Major Biological Database

Título del documento: An Approach towards Semi-automated Biomedical Literature Curation and Enrichment for a Major Biological Database
Revista: Polibits
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000402969
ISSN: 1870-9044
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1University of Zurich, Institute of Computational Linguistics, Zurich. Suiza
2Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Ciencias Genómicas, Cuernavaca, Morelos. México
Periodo: Jul-Dic
Número: 52
Paginación: 25-31
País: México
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico
Resumen en inglés As part of a large-scale biocuration project, we are developing innovative techniques to process the biomedical literature and extract information relevant to specific biological investigations. Biological experts routinely extract core information from the scientific literature using a manual process known as scientific curation. The aim of our activity is to improve the efficiency of this process by leveraging upon natural language processing technologies in a text mining system. There are two lines of investigation that we pursue: (1) finding information relevant for curation and present it in an adaptive interface, and (2) use sentence-similarity techniques to create interlinks across articles in order to allow a process of knowledge discovery
Disciplinas: Ciencias de la computación,
Palabras clave: Inteligencia artificial,
Minería de datos
Keyword: Computer science,
Artificial intelligence,
Data mining
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