Revista: | Latin American applied research |
Base de datos: | PERIÓDICA |
Número de sistema: | 000332246 |
ISSN: | 0327-0793 |
Autores: | Narváez, P.C1 Rincón, S.M1 Castañeda, L.Z1 Sánchez, F.J1 |
Instituciones: | 1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Bogotá. Colombia |
Año: | 2008 |
Periodo: | Ene |
Volumen: | 58 |
Número: | 1 |
Paginación: | 1-6 |
País: | Argentina |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Enfoque: | Experimental, aplicado |
Resumen en inglés | In this article the results of the experimental determination of a group of physical and transport properties of palm oil and of its methyl esters are presented, so as to generate reliable information for the execution of works done by chemical engineers, such as the modeling, the equipment sizing and the simulation of processes. Melting ranges, heats of fusion, boiling points, heats of combustion, were experimentally determined, and density, viscosity and heat capacity as a function of temperature were measured. The experimental values were adjusted to empirical models. In addition, density, viscosity and heat capacity as a function of temperature for three mixtures of palm oil and its methyl esters were measured, from where it was concluded that the density and heat capacity can be calculated as if the mixture would behave as ideal solutions, while the viscosity can be calculated with Andrade’s model |
Disciplinas: | Química |
Palabras clave: | Química orgánica, Aceite de palma, Esteres metílicos, Propiedades físicas, Biodiesel, Viscosidad |
Keyword: | Chemistry, Organic chemistry, Palm oil, Methyl esters, Physical properties, Biodiesel, Viscosity |
Texto completo: | Texto completo (Ver PDF) |