Re-imagining Imaginary Constructs of Identity: Creolization and Wilson Harris' Counter Discourse in "The Four Banks of the River of Space" <Eighth Annual Eastern Caribbean Islands Conference. Tobago 10-12 November, 2005>

Título del documento: Re-imagining Imaginary Constructs of Identity: Creolization and Wilson Harris' Counter Discourse in "The Four Banks of the River of Space" <Eighth Annual Eastern Caribbean Islands Conference. Tobago 10-12 November, 2005>
Revista: La torre (Río Piedras)
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000399538
ISSN: 0040-9588
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, San Juan. Puerto Rico
Periodo: Jul-Dic
Volumen: 11
Número: 41-42
Paginación: 355-363
País: Puerto Rico
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico
Resumen en inglés This paper examines Wilson Harris's theories of race, language and place as he articulates them in several of his essays and as they operate in his novel The Four Banks of the River of Space. An analysis of Harris´s literary techniques reveals that they disidentify with and deconstruct Western culture by completely rejecting the underlying ideology of the dominant language and creating another language (and logic) that goes beyond what is accepted and known. Harris manipulates symbols by integrating binary opposites, twinning, and creating images of metamorphoiss and regeneration to abolish binary opposites. Thus, race, language and place do not separate people into us/them or self/other; on the contrary, they unite us in our cross-cultural capacity and allow us, through our imagination, to free ourselves from social constructs that limit our humanity
Disciplinas: Antropología,
Literatura y lingüística
Palabras clave: Antropología de la cultura,
Harris, Wilson,
Identidad cultural,
"The Four Banks of the River of Space",
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