Turismo rural comunitario: una alternativa para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad El Ostional, San Juan del Sur, Rivas, Nicaragua

Título del documento: Turismo rural comunitario: una alternativa para el desarrollo socioeconómico de la comunidad El Ostional, San Juan del Sur, Rivas, Nicaragua
Revista: La Calera
Base de datos: PERIÓDICA
Número de sistema: 000446132
ISSN: 1998-7846
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidad Nacional Agraria, Managua. Nicaragua
Periodo: Dic
Volumen: 20
Número: 35
Paginación: 140-146
País: Nicaragua
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico, prospectivo
Resumen en español Community-based Rural Tourism is a social and economic alternative to traditional tourism. This study aims to verify if the model of community-based Rural Tourism development applied in the El Ostional community is being managed correctly and thus check if there is an impact on improving the quality of life of the population, promoting the rescue of cultural identity. To know these aspects it is necessary to describe the socioeconomic factors such as organization, gender equity and the role of women, training, community economy and the linkage of tourism with other sources of income and subsequently evaluate its rural community tourism model. For this purpose, the Sentinel Site Surveillance methodology used by the Tropical Disease Research Center was applied that combines quantitative and qualitative methods, using households as the unit of analysis for social variables and sources of income for economic variables. Community Rural Tourism in El Ostional is increasingly important for the municipality of San Juan del Sur, so much so that, the projects of the government and the tourism regulatory entity, have the community identified as the main attraction in order to decongest the influx of tourists to San Juan del Sur. The tourist model of El Ostional allows the generation of socioeconomic benefits directly to the tourism cooperative and indirectly to the rest of the inhabitants.El turismo rural comunitario es una alternativa social y económica al turismo tradicional. Este estudio pretende comprobar si el modelo de desarrollo turístico rural comunitario aplicado en la comunidad El Ostional se está gestionando de manera correcta y comprobar de esta forma si hay impacto en la mejora de la calidad de vida de la población, promoviendo el rescate de la identidad cultural. Para conocer estos aspectos es necesario describir los factores socioeconómicos como organización, equidad de género, y función de la mujer, capacitación, economía comunitaria y la v
Resumen en inglés Community-based Rural Tourism is a social and economic alternative to traditional tourism. This study aims to verify if the model of community-based Rural Tourism development applied in the El Ostional community is being managed correctly and thus check if there is an impact on improving the quality of life of the population, promoting the rescue of cultural identity. To know these aspects it is necessary to describe the socioeconomic factors such as organization, gender equity and the role of women, training, community economy and the linkage of tourism with other sources of income and subsequently evaluate its rural community tourism model. For this purpose, the Sentinel Site Surveillance methodology used by the Tropical Disease Research Center was applied that combines quantitative and qualitative methods, using households as the unit of analysis for social variables and sources of income for economic variables. Community Rural Tourism in El Ostional is increasingly important for the municipality of San Juan del Sur, so much so that, the projects of the government and the tourism regulatory entity, have the community identified as the main attraction in order to decongest the influx of tourists to San Juan del Sur. The tourist model of El Ostional allows the generation of socioeconomic benefits directly to the tourism cooperative and indirectly to the rest of the inhabitants
Disciplinas: Economía
Palabras clave: Economía de servicios,
Turismo rural,
Desarrollo socioeconómico,
Zonas rurales,
Desarrollo sustentable,
Modelos económicos
Keyword: Service sector,
Rural tourism,
Socioeconomic development,
Rural zones,
Sustainable development,
Economic models
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