Knowledge Management and Analysis of Scientific Biotechnology Trends in Venezuela

Título del documento: Knowledge Management and Analysis of Scientific Biotechnology Trends in Venezuela
Revista: Journal of technology management & innovation
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000407641
ISSN: 0718-2724
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Quimica, Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
2Universidad Nacional Experimental "Francisco de Miranda", Coro, Falcón. Venezuela
3Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial, Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
Periodo: Mar
Volumen: 7
Número: 1
Paginación: 144-158
País: Chile
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Aplicado
Resumen en inglés This paper presents a study on knowledge management and analysis of scientific Biotechnology trends in Venezuela, providing an overview of the science profile as well as regional development and its relation to issues of topics covered by Biotechnology based on the analysis of scientific publications for the period of 1995 to 2010. The survey was accomplished in database ISI/Web of Science using 60 terms selected by experts in Biotechnology and 803 register has been organized. Scientific indicators were produced using data/ text mining tools. It was possible to find a greater number of scientific publications in areas such as Ecology and Health, showing a greater frequency in these terms: DNA, PCR and Biodiversity. Results pointed out The United States of America as the main foreign partner-country of scientific publications followed by Spain and France. It was possible to verify cooperation network with others Latin American countries: Brazil, Colombia and Chile
Disciplinas: Administración y contaduría,
Ciencia y tecnología
Palabras clave: Administración de instituciones,
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