Revista: | Investigaciones geográficas - Instituto de Geografía. UNAM |
Base de datos: | PERIÓDICA |
Número de sistema: | 000429515 |
ISSN: | 0188-4611 |
Autores: | Salas Benítez, César Mauricio1 López López, Alvaro1 |
Instituciones: | 1Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México. México |
Año: | 2019 |
Periodo: | Ene-Abr |
Número: | 98 |
País: | México |
Idioma: | Español |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Enfoque: | Analítico, descriptivo |
Resumen en español | Este artículo aborda las improntas territoriales de la peatonalización de los dos corredores culturales más importantes del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México (CHCM): Regina-San Jerónimo y Madero-Gante-Condesa. Éstos forman parte de los programas de rehabilitación patrimonial de los gobiernos local y federal que, con el fin de incentivar la economía local, han reorientado las actividades hacia el turismo y el consumo cultural mediante la tematización patrimonial, lo que ha resultado en cambios en el uso del suelo hacia actividades orientadas al ocio, la recreación y el turismo, así como un incipiente proceso de gentrificación en determinados espacios |
Resumen en inglés | This article examines the spatial effects derived from the rehabilitation and pedestrianization of the two most important cultural corridors of Mexico City’s Historical Center (CHCM): Regina-San Jerónimo and Madero-Gante-Condesa. In a bid to attract a greater number of visitors and investors to the city, now promoted as “Cultural Capital”, the local and federal governments have invested heavily on the recreation and tourism sectors of the city center’s economy. Endowed with a substantial monumental patrimony, these two cultural corridors have a great potential for tourism and cultural consumption, and the diverse cultural amenities they offer have been packaged for promotion in the national and international markets by local administrations and businessmen alike. The effects of the spatial processes involved in the rehabilitation and pedestrianization of these two corridors (namely, cultural thematization, land use changes towards leisure activities, space refunctionalization for recreational and tourism activities, the abandonment by lower-income residents, and the consequent arrival of the middle classes, among others) are positively and negatively perceived by different actors, according to their own perspective. For the study of urban space in relation to leisure and recreational activities in a capitalist consumer society, in this article a theoretical-conceptual approach has been employed. This has allowed to confirm both the use of territory as a commodity and as an economic resource in a selective and differentiated manner, and the fact that space plays an important role as factor of production, as well as a social projection, through the materialization of certain tendencies. This is the case of the pedestrian cultural corridors, whose aim is to confer meaning to places for their usufruct. The article explains how historical-cultural thematization has a tendency to build spaces on preexisting narratives, sometimes exacerbating their hist |
Disciplinas: | Geografía |
Palabras clave: | Geografía humana, México, Ciudad de México, Turismo cultural, Patrimonio, Tematización, Peatonalización, Rehabilitación |
Keyword: | Human geography, Mexico, Mexico City, Tourism, Heritage, Theming, Pedestrianization, Rehabilitation |
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