The "repeat arbitrators" issue: a subjective concept

Título del documento: The "repeat arbitrators" issue: a subjective concept
Revista: International law: revista colombiana de derecho internacional
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000383119
ISSN: 1692-8156
Periodo: Jul-Dic
Número: 19
Paginación: 75-106
País: Colombia
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico
Resumen en inglés The issue of repeated appointments of arbitrators is gaining increasing importance in the practice of international arbitration. The fact that an arbitrator´s neutrality may be directly impacted when he is nominated by the same party on several occasions cuts to the core of this issue. In a context where jurisprudential and academic works on the subject of ‘repeat arbitrators’ are few, the intention of this piece is to offer a brief description and analysis of the current état de l’art on the matter. Firstly, I introduce the role of an arbitrator in the context of international arbitration. Secondly, I address the relevance of the standards of impartiality and independence in the light of the issue of ‘repeat arbitrators’. Thirdly, I describe some of the factors that come into play when confronted by the possibility of a repeat appointment: namely, the extent to which economic reward, a desire to maintain a pre-existing working relationship between arbitrator and appointing party, and concern for the arbitrator´s reputation influence the reappointment. Fourthly, I suggest two distinct analyses of the situations in which an arbitrator has been repeatedly nominated. On the one hand, I propose the ‘factual repeat arbitrators’ analysis, on the other I propose what I had dubbed ‘legal repeat arbitrators’. I end this section by expounding upon the issue of ‘repeat arbitrators’ by way of the statistics. Finally, I conclude that a determination of an arbitrator´s impartiality and independence is a very subjective one. There are many variables that must be taken into consideration; whilst the idea of being repeatedly appointed may seem attractive to an arbitrator, respect for his own reputation will always play a fundamental balancing role in his decision to accept a repeat appointment
Disciplinas: Derecho
Palabras clave: Derecho internacional,
Derecho público,
Historia y teorías del derecho,
Técnica y metodología jurídicas,
Arbitraje internacional,
Compensación económica,
"Conflictos de intereses en el arbitraje internacional"
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