Hábitos Higiénicos promocionados por los docentes de una Escuela Básica Nacional: Venezuela 2018

Título del documento: Hábitos Higiénicos promocionados por los docentes de una Escuela Básica Nacional: Venezuela 2018
Revista: Horizontes pedagógicos (Bogotá. Iberoamericana)
Base de datos: CLASE
Número de sistema: 000504170
ISSN: 2500-705X
Autores: 1
Instituciones: 1Instituto de Altos Estudios "Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldón", Maracay, Aragua. Venezuela
Volumen: 21
Número: 1
Paginación: 35-42
País: Colombia
Idioma: Español
Tipo de documento: Artículo
Enfoque: Analítico
Resumen en español En relación, a la integración de padres y representantes a las actividades relacionadas a la aplicación de las técnicas de higiene personal, un 93,48%, de los docentes, no integran a padres y representantes a las actividades relacionadas a la higiene personal, mientras que 82,60% no incluyen en sus proyectos de aprendizaje contenidos relacionados a los mismos, por tal razón se deben proponer estrategias que permitan enriquecer los contenidos de estudio para el alumnado de la institución
Resumen en inglés The practice of hygienic habits is one of the pillars of Public Health, being an important factor that must be addressed in school-age children, in order to guarantee the health, physical, mental and social well-being necessary. to guarantee the healthy development of them and their quality of life. Taking into account that the school plays an important role in the transmission and construction of values, knowledge and behavior, this study is located within the framework of quantitative research, based on a non-experimental field design, whose objective was to determine the habits hygienics promoted by teachers of a National Basic School, Venezuela 2018. The population consisted of 46 education professionals who work in the institution, and the sampling was census. For the collection of information, a structured questionnaire of dichotomous questions was used. The validity was made by reviewing it by three experts, the reliability was determined with the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. In conclusion it was possible to demonstrate that 84.78% of the respondents consider that the proposal of the Bolivarian Curriculum, does not project a clear vision of the contents related to hygienic habits, the pedagogical activities related to the daily bath, 93.48%, of the teachers do not plan pedagogical activities related to the daily bath, only 6.52%, plan the same and promote it daily, 76.08% of the teachers do not give talks related to hygienic habits. In relation to the integration of parents and representatives to the activities related to the application of personal hygiene techniques, 93.48% of teachers do not integrate parents and representatives to activities related to personal hygiene, while 82.60% do not include content related to their learning projects, for this reason strategies should be proposed that enrich the study contents for the students of the institution
Disciplinas: Educación
Palabras clave: Educación básica,
Salud pública,
Hábitos de higiene
Keyword: Basic education,
Public health,
Hygienic habits,
Texto completo: https://horizontespedagogicos.ibero.edu.co/article/view/hop.21103/1431

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