Revista: | Horizonte pedagógico (La Habana) |
Base de datos: | |
Número de sistema: | 000568356 |
ISSN: | 2310-3648 |
Autores: | Mena Acosta, Osmary1 |
Instituciones: | 1Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "Enrique José Varona", La Habana. Cuba |
Año: | 2022 |
Volumen: | 11 |
Número: | 2 |
Paginación: | 12-22 |
País: | Cuba |
Idioma: | Español |
Tipo de documento: | Artículo |
Resumen en inglés | The present work deals with the study of the process of teaching reading learning in deaf students who attend the final first grade, based with the bilingual educational trend, with the consideration of learning the Cuban Sign Language (LSC) as the first language (LI) and Spanish as the second language (L2) of deaf people. Its social relevance is expressed in mastering the reading process based on respect for the particular bilingual status of these people to access communication, learning and universal culture, essential elements in the formation of their personality; which evidences the need to deepen in the didactics particular, especially the one referred to Spanish language. The learning of reading, precedes the teaching of writing as basic communicative skills in the domain of the Spanish language as the second language of deaf school children, who present inadequacies in the understanding of different communicative situations due to limitations in lexical development, the state of pronunciation, among others, that require an augmentative communication for the success of the reading process. The objective is to propose a work notebook aimed at improving the teaching-learning process of reading in these students. In the research, the preliminary evaluation is carried out through the consultation of specialists and the systematization of experiences in pedagogical practice. |
Resumen en español | El presente trabajo aborda el estudio del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la lectura en escolares sordos que cursan el primer grado final, el que parte de la tendencia educativa bilingüe, con la consideración del aprendizaje de la lengua de señas cubana (LSC) como primera lengua (LI) y el español como segunda lengua (L2) de las personas sordas. Su pertinencia social se expresa en dominar el proceso lector a partir del respeto a la condición bilingüe particular de estas personas para acceder a la comunicación, el aprendizaje y la cultura universal, elementos esenciales en la formación de su personalidad; lo que evidencia la necesidad de profundizar en las didácticas particulares, en especial, la referida a La Lengua Española. El aprendizaje de la lectura, precede a la enseñanza de la escritura como habilidades comunicativas básicas en el dominio de la lengua española como segunda lengua de los escolares sordos, quienes presentan insuficiencias en la comprensión de diferentes situaciones comunicativas por las limitaciones en el desarrollo léxico, la lectura labiofacial, el estado de la pronunciación, entre otras, que exigen de una comunicación aumentativa para el éxito del proceso lector. El objetivo está dirigido a proponer un cuaderno de trabajo para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lectura en estos escolares. En la investigación se realizó una evaluación preliminar mediante la consulta a especialistas y una sistematización de experiencias en la práctica pedagógica.Abstract: The present work deals with the study of the process of teaching reading learning in deaf students who attend the final first grade, based with the bilingual educational trend, with the consideration of learning the Cuban Sign Language (LSC) as the first language (LI) and Spanish as the second language (L2) of deaf people. Its social relevance is expressed in mastering the reading process based on respect for the particular bilingual status of these people to access communication, learning and universal culture, essential elements in the formation of their personality; which evidences the need to deepen in the didactics particular, especially the one referred to Spanish language. The learning of reading, precedes the teaching of writing as basic communicative skills in the domain of the Spanish language as the second language of deaf school children, who present inadequacies in the understanding of different communicative situations due to limitations in lexical development, the state of pronunciation, among others, that require an augmentative communication for the success of the reading process. The objective is to propose a work notebook aimed at improving the teaching-learning process of reading in these students. In the research, the preliminary evaluation is carried out through the consultation of specialists and the systematization of experiences in pedagogical practice.Keywords: teaching-learning process; reading, children deaf; bilingual educational trend |
Disciplinas: | Educación |
Palabras clave: | orientación psicopedagógica, formación integral, Educación especial |
Keyword: | psychopedagogical orientation, integral formation, Special education |
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